Title: A touch too much - Friday Pic Prompt #16
mutedbyfearFandom: Kane RPS
Rating: None
Not Betaed...
Disclaimer: It's not true, I wish it were but it's not...
Title blatantly ripped off from AC/DC....
Christian looked down at Steves hands trying to distract himself from the muscles that he knew were rippling under the light blue t shirt. Damn, Steve had been working out recently and he truly appreciated all the effort he had put in - not that there was anything wrong with Steves body before but the new improved version was definitely an added bonus. He made a mental note to phone Jon Dorenbos and thank him for putting his boy through pre-season football training.
He knew that it was dangerous to be standing so close to Steve with so many people surrounding them but he needed to breathe in the aroma that was so uniquely ‘Steve’. He probably shouldn’t be drinking, hell he knew he shouldn’t be drinking, especially not Jack, because when he drank he got way too tactile with Steve. On stage he could get away with it, blame it on getting caught up in the adrenaline high that playing in the band produced….. but here, in this situation, he had no excuses.
So right now he was concentrating on not removing Steves hair band and running his fingers into Steves hair. His fingers were itching to touch Steve but he knew that one touch would not be enough, so he was counting the hours until this little gathering was over, until he could remove that t shirt and run his fingers over the tanned torso that lay beneath it, until he could touch to his hearts delight. But until then he would force himself to concentrate on entertaining the folks that had paid to see him and Steve perform together and he’d lay off the Jack too or they may get more of a performance than they bargained for……..