Excerpt from
After Ellen 6/6/07: Lauren Lee Smith The 2007 AfterEllen.com Hot 100
by AfterEllen.com Staff June 6, 2007
Let's face it: Maxim doesn't cater to lesbians. In fact, you could say it flies in the face of all that we hold dear, especially when it declares Lindsay Lohan the hottest of them all, as it did when it published The Maxim Hot 100 List last month. So we asked you, our readers, to create your own list of hotties, and you came out in droves to nominate the women you think deserve to be on the AfterEllen.com Hot 100 List. Thousands of votes later, we have the results.
But there is one thing all the women on the list have in common: They're more than just pretty faces. Many of these women aren't just women we like, they're women we want to be like - women we admire as well as desire. On our list, heat has depth. And Leisha (No. 1) beats Lindsay (No. 79) by a mile. Now, on to the AfterEllen.com Hot 100 List!
76. Jennifer Connelly
77. Kelly Clarkson
78. Lauren Lee Smith
79. Lindsay Lohan
80. Sara Ramirez
After Ellen Excerpt from
AfterEllen 5/11/09: Lauren Lee Smith The 2009 AfterEllen.com Hot 100
by Sarah Warn | May 11, 2009
We introduced the first annual Hot 100 in 2007 to give lesbian/bi women a way to express what, or who, we find attractive, since our voice is largely missing from mainstream, heterocentric pop culture.
76. Lauren Lee Smith
77. Summer Glau
78. Scarlett Johansson
79. Camila Grey
80. Jorja Fox