Mutant X Interviews: Howard Chaykin (6/07 Suicide Girls)

Jan 29, 2016 06:00

Excerpt from Suicide Girls 6/07: head writer Howard Chaykin

Howard Chaykin
by Daniel Robert Epstein for SuicideGirls (

I got a chance to talk with Chaykin from his home in California.
DRE: Did you do such mainstream books in the 90's?
HC: In the 90's I worked in television. I did very little comics. I had a television career that hit the shoals in the early 2000s. I decided I didn't want to go back. I felt it was time to leave television and become a human being again.

DRE: I thought you left Mutant X. Is that not true?
HC: I didn't quit. I was fired.

DRE: Do you want to talk about why?
HC: No, not especially. It was a pleasant experience while it lasted. It wasn't a pleasant experience at that point. Frankly I was happy to have the job but I wasn't all that upset to leave it. I was fired in June and the way television business works is that jobs become available in May and in November so that even if I wanted to go back to work all I could do was freelance and there wasn't that much freelance. I decided that since I had all those months I might as well do some comics. So I pitched a book at DC Comics on a Friday and they bought it on a Tuesday. I did the book and I decided on the basis of that I wasn't particularly interested in going back to television. I asked my wife how she would feel about it and she was delighted because she felt I had become a sort of unpleasant person and I never went back.

© Suicide Girls

mutant x crew, mutant x interviews

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