Kara Whitely -- Played by
Melyssa Ade Kara Whitley.
Mutant Type: Feral (Canine).
First Appearance: "
The Prophecy."
Quote: Riley: "Kara, don't do this. I don't want to hurt you."
Kara: Liar! You've already hurt me."
Brennan: "We're here to help you; you're in danger."
Kara: "I know who you are, and I know what you've taken from me. And I know what you want."
Details: Kara was one of four
new mutants who contributed DNA to create
Gabriel Ashlocke's successor,
The Child. Despite
Brennan Mulwray and
Riley Morgan's attempted intervention, the insect feral who protected The Child murdered Kara when The Child reached a certain age, as forseen by the precog
John Bishop.
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