Mutant X Episode Synopses Where Evil Dwells: Episode #304.
Tag: The Mutant X team must stop a serial killer who leaves clues to his next victims in the form of puzzles. [
Cast & Crew: Written by Bob Carney; Directed by Andrew Potter
Pragna Desai....
Andrea MarshallJoseph Scoren....
Lee MarkerChristina Winkels....Victim #1
Jennifer Winkels....Victim #2
Laryssa Yanchak....Victim #3
Official Synopsis: Lee Marker (Joe Scoren), a creepy man in his 30's, scribbles on the wall of his Dark Waters Psychiatric cell. He steps back and admires his work, which reads "A Stitch in Time." Meanwhile, Brennan (Victor Webster) enters a crime scene where the corpse of a woman was found with a paper pinned to her chest with the message "A Stitch in Time." Pushing through the crowd, he finds Shalimar (Victoria Pratt) and her friend Andrea Marshall (Pragna Desai), a profiler for the Justice Dept. who is shaken by the experience. After introducing Andrea and Brennan, Shalimar explains that Andrea is a psionic and was in the mind of the killer and saw the murder happen, but doesn't know who did it. She tells them that it looks like the work of the Puzzle Killer, but that it's impossible since he's been in a psychiatric prison for the last two years. As the corpse is wheeled away, Shalimar insists they take Andrea back to Sanctuary and help her find the killer. At Sanctuary, Andrea tells Shalimar and Lexa (Karen Cliche) about the Puzzle Killer, Lee Marker, and his thirty victims, all of whom he left the location of his next murder pinned to. Since these new murders are identical to his, Andrea believes the killer is tuning into Maker's mind. Jesse (Forbes March) searches the Mutant database to see if anyone matches the profile while Shalimar and Andrea visit Marker. The two arrive at Dark Waters Psychiatric and enter a room separated from Marker's cell by bulletproof glass. After introducing Shalimar, Marker calls her Sham liar -- an anagram -- claiming there's often truth in puzzles. Andrea then demands to know who the next murder victim will be. When Marker doesn't answer, she creates a mass of psionic energy, which she shoots into Marker's mind. He gives into the connection and Andrea begins to see visions through the killer's eyes. Later, Jesse hooks Andrea up to a brain scanner and the images she witnessed in her head appear on the monitor. One of the images is a clock and Lexa is confident that it's the Parrington Bank Tower. They radio Brennan, who immediately goes to the Tower and spots a Mobile Needlework van, which he realizes is part of the anagram. Opening the van's door, the team finds the dead body of a girl with a paper with the numbers 42168258 pinned to her chest. Back at Sanctuary, the team desperately tries to figure out the meaning behind the numbers while Andrea and Shalimar pay Marker another visit. At the hospital, Andrea connects with him and sees visions of slashing knives, a dark warehouse and bone saws. Shalimar rushes over as Andrea suddenly clutches her head, breaks the connection and falls unconscious. Back at Sanctuary, the team again scans Andrea's brain and dark disturbing images fill the screen. Her eyes shoot open and she informs them that the next murder will take place at a chemical warehouse. Realizing that the numbers are coordinates for the location, Jesse determines that A&S Medical Supplies is the spot. When Andrea reveals that Marker used to work there, Brennan insists she come along. The team reaches the building and leave Andrea in the car while they investigate. Alone, Andrea has a vision of someone moving through the building and she radios Brennan to let him know. Suddenly a shadowy figure pushes a rack of tanks over, which narrowly misses Brennan and Lexa. The two race out as chlorine fills the room and they realize they were set up. At Sanctuary, Andrea tries to make sense of the incident, insisting that Marker can't control the images she sees. Shalimar decides that she wants to go to the hospital alone, convinced that Marker will let his guard down. Everyone agrees that Shalimar will need to physically be in his cell to achieve this. That night, Brennan, dressed as a prison guard and Jesse as an inmate, enter the hospital and clear the security guard station with an invisible Lexa by their side. Lexa ducks into a utility closet and sets up a looped video of Marker, which she feeds into the security monitors. Shalimar and Andrea arrive and Jesse phases Shalimar through the wall and into the cell. Shalimar confronts Marker about the next victim, while Andrea connects to him. Frustrated with his games, Shalimar slams him against the wall. Meanwhile, Andrea reveals to Brennan that she is the next victim. Back at the lab, the team realizes that Andrea has taken off and they split up to search for her. When Shalimar finds her outside an Abattoir, she claims she was drawn to something on the top floor of the building. Shalimar orders Andrea to get herself to safety while she investigates. Inside, the floorboards give way and Shalimar falls four stories and lands lifeless at the mouth of a machine. Back at the hospital, Andrea connects with Marker and her disturbing visions reveal that she is actually the killer. She tells Marker that she understands her mission and the two embrace. To Markers delight, Andrea stabs him and becomes the living embodiment of him. Back at Sanctuary, Jesse fine tunes one of the images and realizes that Andrea is the killer. Scared for Shalimar's safety, the team races to find her. Tapping into the hospital's surveillance cameras, Jesse sees that Marker is dead and the clue "Marie Talbot" is written on the wall. Back at the Abattoir, Shalimar tries to talk sense into Andrea, but she pulls out a butcher knife and uses her psionic powers to freeze Shalimar in place. Just as she's about to stab Shalimar, Brennan bursts in and shoots a tesla coil at Andrea, but she takes off running. Shalimar follows her onto the roof, and for a brief moment the real Andrea surfaces and tells Shalimar to get away. Shalimar reaches for the knife, but Andrea suddenly loses her footing and falls to her death. Later at Sanctuary, Brennan consoles Shalimar and assures her that Andrea was an amazing woman.
Brennan: Don't you think we're in over our heads here? I mean, c'mon, shouldn't we let the cops handle this?
Shalimar: And tell them what? She's a mutant? She can see through the eyes of a killer? Look, she's one of us, and that makes it our problem too.
Shalimar: You know, ever since Adam introduced us, you've always been kind of an inspiration to me. I don't know, I guess I never really thought it was possible for one of us to lead a normal life, you know.
Andrea Marshall: Shalimar, finding a place in society is more about accepting yourself than looking for them to accept us.
Lee Marker: Shalimar. Sham liar.
Shalimar: What?
Lee: An anagram. There's often truth to the puzzles. Are you like her? The others talk and talk, but she gets inside you. It's intimate.
Andrea Marshall: She's here to observe.
Lee: I'm sure.
Shalimar: You know, I've learned a few things about psionics. When you spend enough time in other people's heads, you start to take on the problems of the whole world. You feel everybody's pain and you feel responsible for everything.
Andrea Marshall: I don't have a martyr complex.
Shalimar: I didn't say you did. I'm just saying it's an occupational hazard.
Lee Marker: Shalimar, you're just my type. We could have so much fun together.
Shalimar: I don't think you'd like my kind of fun.
Lexa: I told you, I'm fine.
Jesse: Yeah. Well, take a deep breath and blow. So, what happened?
Brennan: He played us.
Andrea Marshall: No, that's not possible.
Brennan: Listen, he knows that you dig around in his head. All he did was plant the location and then give his partner the heads-up.
Andrea: It doesn't work that way.
Lexa: Tell that to my black lung.
Lee Marker: Now that's a nice trick. It's like fast food delivery.
Lee Marker: I knew you'd come back.
Shalimar: You don't know anything about me.
Lee: Girls like you, you think you're tough. But all flesh cuts.
Shalimar: Including yours.
Lee Marker: Very good.
Andrea Marshall: I had an excellent teacher.
Trivia & Nitpicks: This episode is a cross between Silence of the Lambs and S2's "Inferno," where Emma's psionic connection with a non-mutant is strong enough to make her take on some of his characteristics, even after death.
More evidence of Adam's connections: he was the one who introduced Shalimar to Andrea, a profiler with the Justice Department.
Apparently, in the Mutant X universe, psychiatric facilities allow murderers writing instruments. They must have missed that all-important scene in Silence of the Lambs.
Appropriately, the Puzzle Killer's name is Marker, and Andrea-the-cop's last name is Marshall.
Shalimar sheds her revealing top for one even more revealing for her first visit to the prison. Which is certainly what I would choose to wear were I an attractive woman going to visit a psycho woman-killer.
Andrea rules out a copycat killer because the details of Marker's crimes weren't in the news, but Lexa's contacts easily access the information. Who says the copycat has to be a member of the general public?
Jesse's search of the new mutant database didn't turn up any psionics who "fit the profile" to be potential partners with Marker. Really? It's pretty hard to believe that Ashlocke was the last mentally unstable psionic in the country.
It doesn't speak well for law enforcement that whenever someone suggests calling the police, it's universally regarded as a bad decision. The murders have all occurred within a 4 mile radius, and even though the killer turns out to be one of their own, it seems that's well within the scope of something the police could handle. It's probably significant that as Mutant X searches for the next victims, they don't come across any other police in the area.
The prison guards really should have some inkling that Andrea's not your usual profiler. There are cameras watching her sessions with Marker, and silver glow coming from her forehead each time she interviews him should be a big clue.
When Jesse discovers that the "Stitch in Time" probably refers to Brennan's quadrant, why don't Lexa and Shalimar join him there?
Remember the ground car from S1? Now that Mutant X is on The Dominion's payroll, they can afford a shiny pretty new car with every scene. The car Brennan and Lexa drive to the medical supply warehouse is different from the one Shalimar drives to the Abbatoir, and also different from the one Brennan and Shalimar drove in "Wages of Sin." The garage must be full.
When Shal suggests that she question Marker alone, Brennan and Jesse immediately act all overprotective because he's a psychopath. Hello? Last I checked, Shalimar is still a feral, and perfectly capable of kicking ass.
Shalimar's ring falls off after she lands on the grating, and she's unable to contact Mutant X. That makes sense. But why can't they track her location anyway? The comlink doesn't need to be on in order to track it; Jesse got a location signal from Shalimar's comlink after it was taken off in "Reality Check."
Andrea's voice becomes a slow southern drawl when she switches to Marker!Andrea, which is extremely helpful in following her personality changes back and forth. Unfortunately, Marker didn't actually have a southern drawl.
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