Rafflesia pricei.
First Appearance: "
Dark Star Rising."
Tricorp Botanicals head biogeneticist
Dr. Ken Harrison used a serum extracted from the rare hybridized
Rafflesia pricei plant to create feline ferals of Dark Star members
Beau Longstreet and
Angel Dorn. Genomex scientists had attempted to do something similar decades before, but were daunted by the plant's 25 year growth cycle.
Technobabble: Emma: Rafflesia pricei. A genetically engineered parasitic plant which spends most of its life as a thread-like infection strand within a host.
Jesse: Yeah, what's the big deal with this plant?
Adam: In the early days of DNA research, we were humbled to learn that the genetic difference between a human being and yeast was a single strand of code. So we all looked for a link between the animal world and the plant world. The Rafflesia pricei Project was a misstep that Genomex made in their attempt to manipulate human DNA.
Jesse: The 25 year growth cycle have anything to do with their problems?
Adam: Exactly.
Trivia: Read about the real Rafflesia pricei
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