Title: All Quiet on the Liminal Fringe (1/?)
Author: MustInvestigate
Disclaimer: I only own action figures
Rating: PG - eventual NC17
Character(s)/Pairing: OT3
Warning(s): Pretentiousness; abuse of noir tropes
Summary: Because
tuff_ghost sez it can’t be done…an endless Watchmen / William Gibson-verse crossover, existing via the
kink meme. Dreiberg, Kovacs
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Comments 2
So, I guess I'm saying this is awesome even without a through knowledge of the cross-over material - which just makes it even more incredible - because your little world here is gritty, and sensual, and I was drowning in it almost instantly, and all the body-mod work makes me vaguely nauseous in that really lovely way that reading China Mieville does, and I should just shut the hell up and get on to the next chapter!
(edited for pre-coffee spelling)
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