Title: Laugh, And You Laugh Alone
Author: MustInvestigate
Disclaimer: I only own action figures
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing: Laurie/Jon
Summary: No one will hire the Silk Spectre, not even the cops, not even a government happy to pay scum like the Comedian. Jon doesn’t need my company, not really. I’ve got more designer jeans than Brooke
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Comments 11
I'd originally had a rough idea for a scene where she actually reads the Greer book and subjects Rorschach to a rant on it while they're trapped together somehow. Maybe someday.
Her interactions with the hooker and the guys in the bar was absolutely spot on for laurie-trying-to-be-rorschach, not 100% one or the other, and satisfying on a level I don't usually see (especially her closet-cases line, idk it's just awesome to imagine that coming from 'rorschach' haha) and basically everything she says and does in this fic, ever. All of it.
And all the identity/costume stuff is so hot, even before the actual porn. And then the ending, ahahaha OH LAURIE.
In short (which this has not been): Perfection.
(I don't know which crossdressing fic you specifically mean, but ( ... )
I'm so glad you liked this tho! Yeah, I think Rorschach has a pyramid of ethical needs, for all he's sure it's black-or-white, and the possibility of having any of the old gang back in action with him totally trumps the fact it's the former strumpet. And Laurie kinda needs to pretend to be someone else for a while if she's ever going to grow out of being the world's oldest teenager (besides Dick Clark).
I love that, the fact that for all his snarky resistance Ror is basically, under the surface, squeeing over AMG NOT ALONE ANYMORE, SOMEONE TO HELP ME CLEAN UP THE SCUM IT IS BASICALLY CHRISTMAS
... XD I especially loved the part where Rorschach tells her to de-smell :B And Laurie's pseudo-Rorschach insults in the bar! Made me cringe on Rorschach's behalf even if they were pretty bad-ass.
I love it.
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