Title: Servants can play too Part 2/4?
mustbethursday3 Rating: PG/14 (although it's probably G) - I swore once, or Arthur swore, or whatever. Bad Arthur.
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Merlin sort of.
Words: 2654+
Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to the BBC.
Summary: Prompt was: F-58. Merlin and Gwen need to play bf/gf OR hubby/wife for some reason, and they'
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Comments 18
I really liked that line. I liked Arthur's mind wandering, the G/M scenes (especialy the rehearsal) and Arthur's jealous dream, lol!!! Yay <3
Arthur's jealous dream, lol!!! Yay <3
Hehe yeah, poor Arthur - I've started feeling sorry for him . . . which is weird.
I ♥ Gwen and Merlin (but not as much as A/G).
Merlin is hilarious-adding character. Lol
Love Gwen's and Merlin's friendship. Their teasing and bickering with each other is so cute and funny.
Really liked Arthur's thoughts. He is so cute when he is wording about Gwen and Merlin together. I agree when he said their should be allowed to drink at meetings.
This was really great!! Can't wait for the next part. :)
Thank you ♥
And I'm glad you like my Arthur. I'll try and update soon, I think the next part will be about twice as big as this one.
. . . . now I just have to write it and not completely fail everyone's expectations :)
But I have to say, my favorite bits have to be the Gwen/Merlin interaction. The jerk-brat exchange was so Winchester-like, I was squeeing so hard. And Merlin dressing Gwen was soooooooo sweet!!!!!!
Great update! Well done!!!! ;)
Well, you were right. Arthur should be as funny as Gwen and Merlin (or it's not fair). And Thank you - glad to know you approve. I'm tossing up whether to go with seething or moping (moping's kinda funny and sad) at the moment.
Yep, my fav bits are G&M too. And HA! I was wondering where I got that (it was on the tip of my mind but I couldn't think of it) - Of COURSE Supernatural! How cute would Gwen and Merlin be as Dean and Sam? So cute.
Thanks, I'll try and update in the next few days. It's written but the question is whether it's good. SO I have to read over it a couple of times.
Hehe, I love comments. And it's good to know that people wanna know what comes next. I'd hate to bore you guys.
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