My own prompt table

Apr 07, 2012 20:55

Because I seriously want to write drabbles (not only for lost_in_108, not for my flist/other people because I already owe a lot of drabbles.. sorry about that ._.) --- and because those freaking tables are awesome.... I'll make my own :D  (also, I'll try not to write Daniel/Charlotte all the time... because my ideas are sort of "reserved" for my un_love_you table)

Words ( Read more... )

tabla, lost, challenges, fanfiction, guess who

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Comments 7

squeakyboots April 8 2011, 02:18:53 UTC
Can I make a request? Could you write about Naomi for one of these? I can't remember if you like to write her or not...


mustaza April 8 2011, 02:23:25 UTC
Naomi! ♥ I love her, but I'm always afraid of writing her (and Miles)... but I'd absolutely try to do it (again) :DDDD


squeakyboots April 8 2011, 02:25:54 UTC
Yay! :)


pann_cake April 8 2011, 03:07:07 UTC
This is a great idea! And crazy because the words were all randomly generated! I may have to steal this idea in the future, when I'm not so busy. :P


mustaza April 8 2011, 19:17:56 UTC
Lol, I know... prompts like #8 and #14 are making me squish my brain :P --- oohh, go ahead! Steal the idea! :'D


valhalla37 April 14 2011, 02:08:57 UTC
Oooooh, this is really cool! I think I need some kind prompt table like this right now, lol.


mustaza April 14 2011, 02:18:41 UTC
Yay for prompt tables! --- there are some good prompt generators (like the one Pan used), but I decided to work with words... and now I'm trying not to write Daniel/Charlotte xD (or a creepy!MiB overdose)


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