Anytime, Anywhere (PG-13)

Aug 23, 2009 12:08

Title: Anytime, Anywhere
Prompt: follow
Rating: PG-13
Summary: She leads, he follows
A/N: wrote this one in 5 minutes; written for rhr100

“Follow me upstairs,” Hermione whispered huskily.

“B-but...” Ron stammered.

“Shhh,” she commanded.  “We don’t want your mother to hear.”

Hermione stood and yawned, “Well, goodnight everyone. I’m off to bed.”

“Sleep well, Ron.”  She leaned down and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek.  In doing so, she offered him a view down her shirt.  She whispered into his ear, “Wait ten minutes.  Think you can?”

He nodded almost imperceptibly against her cheek.

Ten minutes later found Ron at Hermione’s door.  She pulled him inside and pressed him against the closed door.

“Thanks for coming.”

“Anytime Luv, anywhere.”

drabble, rhr100, ron/hermione, pg-13

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