All Work and No Play (NC-17)

Jun 10, 2010 11:58

Title: All Work and No Play
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,615
Summary: All Hermione wants is to get some work done … Ron has other ideas
Disclaimer: The 'Harry Potter' books and characters belong to JKR; Hermione claims Ron belongs to her.
Warnings: light bondage
Author's Note: Written based on the prompts of the lovely daisymaeevans for rhr_smutfest. This was pinch hit that the VERY talented cariad3 had started and was unable to complete. Thanks to her for the great foundation and to luvscharlie for the beta!

Oh my God.

How the hell did that just happen?

Hermione Weasley closed her eyes and tried to recall the events that had led up to what she had just experienced.


The day had started like any other: waking up with Ron snuggled in tightly behind her; his hard cock nestled into the curve of her arse. She tried to extricate herself from his arms, his legs, and, as usual, it only resulted in him pulling her closer.

"Shhhh. Ron, it's all right. I just want to get a bit of reading done for this department project before breakfast."

"Stay with me … You've been working too hard … I promise I'll make it worth your while."

She had, as always, given in.

Afterwards, she had slipped out of the bed with an "Honestly, Ron, I have work to do!" and a kiss and a smile. She showered alone and made a quick breakfast, placing a Warming Charm on the tray. She had left Ron sleeping and hid herself away in her study, fully expecting him to continue doing so until well past noon. It was, after all, a weekend tradition.

She didn't see him lurking in the doorway, watching her as she lost herself in her new translation of Beedle the Bard. She missed how his eyes lingered on her hair, messily pulled up into a bun with tendrils spilling out over her neck. She missed him staring at the back of her legs when she stretched up to reach a book from high atop the floor to ceiling shelves in their little makeshift library. She didn't even hear him suck in his breath when she stretched up her arms, a tiny stripe of skin showing between her shirt and skirt. However, when she slipped a sugar quill between her lips and sucked, she heard him groan.

"Lurking in doorways, Ron?" she asked, not looking up from her papers.

"You're killing me here, Hermione. Come back to bed. Please?"

"Absolutely not. I'm on a deadline."

"I promise you won't be sorry."

Hermione snorted. "I fell for that once today. I have another chapter I need to finish before Monday."

"Hermione!" Ron whined.

"Rooo--oon!" Hermione mocked in return. She picked up the book she was referencing and held it in front of her. The enormous tome of runes blocking off her view of him, she smiled to herself as she heard him heave an enormous sigh. She had long known that Ron was not very good at delaying gratification. When he wanted something, whether it was a fly on his broom or a chocolate frog or her, he wanted it right then. Waiting was not a concept with which Ronald Weasley was terribly familiar.

She continued to read, hyperaware of his presence as he lurked in the doorway. If Ron's fatal flaw was his impatience, hers was an uncontrollable need to push him until he lost control. With that in mind, she lifted up one leg and placed it on the desk, feeling her skirt inch up more than was strictly decent. She continued to hide behind the book, waiting to hear him once again beg her to put it down.

What she wasn't prepared for was a scratchy cheek on her bare thigh. Damn that Auror training, she thought, wondering how a man as tall and muscular as Ron could move so stealthily. She began to put the book down on the desk, fully prepared to put Ron off a little while longer.

"I don't think so," Ron said, his commanding voice sending a thrill through her body. She looked at him in confusion. "You have another chapter to read, yeah?" Hermione nodded slowly, squinting her eyes as she wondered what he was up to. "Well, keep reading." He began to slowly kiss the soft inside of her thighs, beginning with one side and then moving on to the other.

Now it was Hermione's turn to sigh, first in frustration and then in contentment as Ron slowly moved closer and closer to her core. When the book slipped from her hands, thudding on the heavy wooden desk in front of her, all movement below the desk stopped.

Hermione whined breathily, a frustrated sound escaping her lips as she wriggled her thighs and knees in an attempt to urge him back to his task. Ron didn't move in closer as she had hoped he would, but instead abandoned his post altogether, opting instead to stare up at her, a strong hand placed on either knee.

"Why did you stop?" she asked him, half reproachful and half exasperated.

"Why did you stop?" he countered, a mischievous look on his face. "It's not at all like you to skive off work, Hermione."

Hermione let out a puff of air, grabbing Ron's hair and tugging it backwards so he was facing her.

"This is not in the least bit funny, Ron. You need to finish what you started."

Ron grabbed both her small hands with one large one, holding them firmly together.

"I don't think so, Hermione. You're not the one in charge here."

"What?" she sputtered indignantly, attempting to tug her hands away.

"I haven't seen you all week, Hermione. You leave before I wake up and you come home after I'm already in bed. You don't eat, you barely sleep, and I can't see you unless I make an appointment. Now it's the bloody weekend and I finally have you home, and you're still trying to work. I've decided I won't allow it."

"You won't allow it?" she replied, pulling a face.

"That's right," he said defiantly.

Hermione gave up her struggle to free her hands from Ron's strong grasp; instead she lifted her foot and pressed against his bare chest, hoping to knock him over. Ron's solid frame did not yield to Hermione's efforts; rather Ron took the opportunity to release her hands. The force of her push sent her chair rolling away from the desk. She jumped out of her seat as Ron scrambled out from under her desk.

"I cannot believe you, Ron Weasley," she shouted. "You're behaving like a petulant child who can't play with his favourite toy. I'm not going to ignore my responsibilities just because you want to have sex."

"This isn't about sex, Hermione." He stepped closer and placed his large hand on the small of her back, pulling her flush against him.

"If it were, I wouldn't bother trying to drag you back to bed. I'd toss those precious books of yours on the floor and take you right here on your desk." By now his lips were a hair's breadth away from her ear, his breath hot on her skin. "You'd like that wouldn't you, Hermione?" He kissed the spot just under her ear and she whimpered at the contact.

God help her, she would like it. She had loved it when he had done something just like that the previous week. Ron had stormed into her office, angry over her forgetting their lunch date. The resulting row had quickly led to them ripping each other's clothes off and before she could process what was happening, Hermione was bent over her office desk sobbing out her release as Ron pounded into her, her reports and books scattered around the room.

While Hermione had been recalling their steamy office encounter, Ron had managed to remove her blouse. He was just unclasping her bra when the sound of his voice pulled Hermione from her memory.

"It's not even about getting what I want," he whispered as he kissed her neck. "It's about you getting what you need."

Hermione stiffened at his words.

"I need to have sex with you, is that what you're saying?"

"What you need, is to come back to bed and relax." Ron rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head in frustration. "Merlin help me, I'm tempted to tie you to the bed just to make certain you take a break from all this work."

"Ha! I'd like to see you try," she challenged.

"Don't tempt me, Hermione," Ron growled, his voice deep with warning.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Like hell I wouldn't." He quickly grabbed Hermione around her waist and hoisted her over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" she shrieked.

"Sorry, Hermione. You asked for it."

She struggled to break free, but Ron's arm firmly held her in place. Hermione used her position to slap at Ron's bum, which only caused him to chuckle. Damn him and his firm arse, she grumbled silently. The light blue boxers he was wearing were riding low on his slim hips and Hermione willed herself not to become affected by the sight. She was sorely tempted to reach under those pants and squeeze his muscular cheeks.

"Quit your wriggling." Ron smacked her shapely bottom lightly, eliciting an indignant squeak from Hermione.

Ron marched down the hall to their bedroom, kicking the door shut with his foot before dropping Hermione onto the bed. He quickly crawled onto the bed to hover over her, preventing her escape. He easily held her two hands in place above her head.

"I knew I'd finally get you back to bed," he said with a laugh.

Hermione arched one eyebrow at his cheekiness. She decided to give up all pretence of resistance. As much as she hated to admit it, Ron was right; she had been working too hard. She needed this; she needed him.

"All right, you big oaf, now that you have me here, what do you plan to do with me?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, asking a silent question; Hermione quirked the corner of her mouth in answer. Ron smiled in return and leaned forward to kiss her; just as his lips met hers, she whispered, "I love you, I really do."

"I know, me too," he replied before kissing her fiercely.

Ron released her hands and sat up, his legs still straddling her slim body. He stretched his long body to reach his wand on the bedside table, while Hermione kept her arms stretched above her head. Her entire body hummed with excitement as Ron cast the modified version of Incarcerous she had taught him. Rather than the thick ropes he used as an Auror to bind suspects, gold silken cords appeared and gently bound her wrists to the slats of their headboard, deliciously restricting her movements.

"S'ok?" Hermione loved him all the more for the flash of hesitation in his tone.

"Of course," she replied breathlessly.

"Good." His voice was once again commanding and sure.

Ron shifted backwards, dragging her skirt off her body as he went. Her arousal, made obvious by the damp patch on her knickers, caused him to grin smugly at her, which she met with a glare, daring him to say something.

When Ron reached the end of the bed, he lifted Hermione's bare foot to his mouth and kissed it, rubbing his stubbly cheek against her sole. She squirmed and kicked her feet, trying to escape.

"Ron, that tickles!"

He merely laughed and grabbed her other flailing foot, giving it the same treatment before trailing kisses up her legs. Hermione sighed in relief when she felt Ron's warm breath return to the inside of her thighs; she whimpered when his teeth grazed over her sensitive centre, tugging gently at the fabric of her underpants.

Rather than using his mouth on her as she desperately wanted, Ron kissed his way up her torso, stopping to lavish attention on her breasts, taking one, then the other into his mouth, nibbling, sucking and marking her skin. By the time his lips reached hers, she was moaning with need; deadlines and responsibilities long forgotten, her mind filled only with thoughts of love and pleasure.

"Ron, please," she begged breathlessly, as he released her from yet another intoxicating kiss.

"This what you want, Hermione?" He slid his hand into her knickers, rubbing tantalising circles over her swollen flesh.

"Stop teasing," she whined.

"You need to learn to relax ... just let me take care of you."

Ron kissed her then, slowly and deeply, all the while continuing his gentle caresses between her legs.

"I love you, Hermione. I miss you," he whispered into her neck. She closed her eyes and let his words wash over her, her body sinking into his touch.

Hermione's breasts were again the focus of Ron's attention, before he moved to the foot of the bed to pull off her knickers. He stood up to remove his tented boxers, smiling down at her as he stroked his thick cock.

"Merlin help me, you look so fucking hot," he groaned. He climbed back on the bed and buried his face between her thighs.

Finally! Hermione sighed to herself. She pulled against her binds, wanting to dig her hands into his fiery hair as she always did. She settled for pressing her thighs together, in an effort to keep him exactly where she needed him.

Looking up at her, Ron admonished, "None of that now."

He pulled her legs further apart, looping his arms around her thighs to hold them open. "Don't worry, Hermione. I'm not going anywhere."

He lapped at her with the flat of his tongue, continuing his teasing pace. Instead of fighting it, Hermione gave into it, letting him inch her closer and closer to release. As soon as he sucked her engorged clit between his full lips she arched high off the bed, screaming his name, her eyes clenched shut.

"Look at me, Hermione."

Her eyes fluttered open and smiled lazily up at her husband. The sight of him, kneeling between her splayed legs, his swollen cock throbbing in anticipation caused her to gasp. She could not recall ever seeing him look at her with such desire and intensity, she had never seen him look so ... powerful. She was equal parts anxious and excited over what would happen next.

She expected him to enter her swiftly and give in to his obvious hunger. Ron surprised her by sliding his hard shaft against her still sensitive centre. He rubbed himself back and forth against her several times before slowly entering her body, causing them both to sigh in relief.

He repeatedly pulled all the way out before re-entering at a maddeningly leisurely pace.

Just fuck me! Hermione wanted to scream. She refrained out of fear he would stop all together just to remind her who was in control of the situation.

Gradually, however, the speed and power of his thrusts increased. Ron released Hermione's legs and leaned forward to capture one of her bouncing breasts in his mouth, sucking almost violently. This, along with the friction of his body against hers and his incessant pounding, soon had Hermione at the edge again.

"Oh. My. God. Ron!" she cried, her body shuddering uncontrollably in climax.

Ron arched his back and groaned Hermione's name, thrusting roughly until he released deep inside her, muttering a string of obscenities.

He reluctantly pulled out of her warm body, and rolling to the side, he reached for his wand. He released Hermione's binds and gathered her still shaking body to him.

Stroking her back tenderly, he kissed her sweaty brow.

"Love you, Hermione."

"Mmmmm, love you," she mumbled into his chest.

Oh my God, she thought.

How the hell did that just happen?


"So, sorry you came back to bed?" Ron's deep voice stirred Hermione from her musings.

Hell no! Hermione thought as she giggled and shook her head, snuggling further into Ron's warm embrace. She drifted off to sleep with a relaxed smile on her face, knowing there was nowhere else she would rather be.

nc-17, ron/hermione

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