Title: Caffeine Withdrawal Rating: K Genre: General CU/AU: CU Pairings or Characters: Kyoya, vague mentions of Host Club. Warnings: N/A Summary: Nostalgia prompts Kyoya to do something impulsive, of all things.
First off, Welcome to the community. I know I invited you and all but it's still nice to have your participating and such. I'm the mod, if you hadn't already guessed and Engimaticrose4, who will most likely be around later to introduce herself, is my co-mod. I hope you settle in here we have a great repsonsive group and we're happy to have you be a part of us. I'll be making you an author's tag that you can use for you entries.
Now onto my review.
First of this was a wonderful portrail of Kyouya. I loved the concept of him being nostalgic, it's so unlike him but fits because even he's not a robot.
The OC being proud of her instant coffee was adorable and Kyouya being impulsive was perfect. I loved it all around.
Thanks for the warm welcome! Even Kyoya's not a robot, indeed, I don't think a robot would be able to adapt as quickly to the Host Club shenanigans. Thank you for the review!
Hello! (Are you proud Nicluv? I came around to introduce myself! :D) Sorry it took me this long, I'm doing my student teaching and I'm super busy all of the time, I do try and review as soon as possible and I do usually read it as soon as I post it since I have the LJ app on my phone, but I prefer to leave longer reviews using my keyboard. Please, message me if you ever need something betaed and I should get to it by the next weekend.
Kyoya is my favorite character and I think you portrayed him perfectly. This was a lovely and unique touch and I'm very glad you wrote and posted this.
Comments 8
I do love a well-done Kyouya. :) Good job, and do keep writing!
Now onto my review.
First of this was a wonderful portrail of Kyouya. I loved the concept of him being nostalgic, it's so unlike him but fits because even he's not a robot.
The OC being proud of her instant coffee was adorable and Kyouya being impulsive was perfect. I loved it all around.
Even Kyoya's not a robot, indeed, I don't think a robot would be able to adapt as quickly to the Host Club shenanigans. Thank you for the review!
Please, message me if you ever need something betaed and I should get to it by the next weekend.
Kyoya is my favorite character and I think you portrayed him perfectly. This was a lovely and unique touch and I'm very glad you wrote and posted this.
I'm glad that my portrayal of Kyoya was good for a fan of his. I love him too; there's just something about him, hm?
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