Fic: 'Friday Morning in Lincoln' (6/25)

Oct 20, 2010 05:08

Title: Friday Morning in Lincoln
Fandom: The Matrix
Characters: Mouse, Morpheus
Word Count: 1,200
Prompt: From fanfic25, 5/10: 'Family'.
Notes: Nothing worth sweating over.
Summary: ( 'Sometimes, he flat-out knew he wasn't related to these people.' )

fanfic25, writing, matrix

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Comments 3

jean_c_pepper October 19 2010, 16:35:20 UTC
Oh, wow! What a FANTASTIC chapter. You have alluded to Mouse's 'family' back in the Matrix in some of your other installments, but this was just wonderful. Again, it's nice to see a take on the Matrix and being a red pill outside of it.
We've been given two pov's Cypher=bad, Neo=good. It's nice to see this one, where Mouse likes being in the Real World, but he also misses and acknowledges aspects of the Matrix. This tale of how Morpheus pulled him out only adds to this. I should also add that I really enjoy your emphasis on food as the deciding factor for Cypher. We know that this is the main reason, but even teh movies don't play it up.


musicforwolves October 20 2010, 04:42:53 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad it comes across as starting to form a coherent whole.
In related news, I was thinking of loading the Mouse/Zephyr sequence to 'archive of our own' but am not in a position to ride the signup list for however-long-that'll-take, mostly because I'm meant to be writing final assignments over the next few weeks. Do you, by change, have an activation code I could steal?


jean_c_pepper October 20 2010, 08:24:42 UTC
Yes, I do. Send me your email(at and I will email it to you!


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