Secret Snap Cup Meme

Feb 09, 2009 21:37

OK, so I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day, however, I love a lot of people and have decided we should make this week about people we love and like and letting them know. So, help out by posting, playing and passing the word about yet another...

Secret Snap Cup Meme!

How To Play:

1) Comment with your username. (Like mine, here.)

2) Go back to your own LJ and post the link your comment because otherwise, no one will know to come give love or squee over you if you don't tell them about it!

3) Your friends (and other people) will leave ANONYMOUS comments to your comment about all the many reasons that you are WONDERFUL, and then they will comment with THEIR usernames and go post the link to THEIR comments and it will be a giant fresh-baked cookie of love.

4) We will all feel CHEERED and WARMED and smiley about the NICENESS OF OTHERS (who probably aren't strangers but are getting to be nice without a reason, YAY!)

Anonymous comments are on, IP logging is off. I'm sure plenty of us will leave signed comments (although it's really a lot more fun if it's anonymous!) and while I don't expect this to be a problem, I'll delete anything that's mean or worse. (Which, if someone sees something mean that I don't see, lemme know, k? Also, if becomes a problem, I will turn the IP logging back on.) P.S. Basic form of the post was taken from the marvelous queenofthorns who ran one a while back and made me think I'd like to return the kindness to everyone someday.

