May 25, 2011 15:21
Well, nobody posted any review for the last one *this is my disappointed face* so let's try this again and I'll post a review for the prompt tonight.
This week's prompt...
Review Your Favorite: Space!AU
-A Space!au is simple: A fic that takes place in space, on space ships, ect. They are often referred to as SpacePirate!AUs or SpaceOpera!AUs but they're all the same thing.
Post reviews of your favorite fics of this category in a post using the template provided in the rules post (linked in the sidebar). Make sure to mention in the subject line that it's a review for Prompt #2.
Have fun and PARTICIPATE! I'll post my rec for this one in a few hours so SOMEONE has one up, but seriously, this fic can't be any good if people don't participate!
weekly wednesday prompts,
genre/category: space!au,