La Pastora - The Valenzuela Legacy Home

Aug 07, 2008 21:10

This house was requested by gotaluvsims. I spent two days building a house for my Valenzuela Legacy. She liked it, wanted it, so I figured why not share it with anyone else who may like it as well. Below the cut are pics of the house and links to whatever CC I can find. :P Enjoy!

WARNING: I have all the EP's, and have probably used something from each in building this house, so do not download unless you too have all the EP's. I can not be held responsible if this house borks up your game. Make sure to backup and use Clean Installer to be safe.

I built this house because I decided to do double heirs and needed the space. It's a 4x4 lot, and will cost your sims a little over $204,000. I forget the exact number, sorry. :D

Here is the basic layout for ya. It can have 6 bedrooms, or less depending on your needs. 4 bathrooms, 2 hobby rooms, a study, and a random tea room that I quite like. :) Obviously, any of the rooms can be changed to suit whatever you need, but this is how I set it up.

In case anyone is interested, I built it based off real house floorplans which can be found here.

And now, a little tour so you see what you're getting. :D (Be warned that some shots are stretched out cuz I was trying to get the whole room in one shot.)

This is the front lawn. You have room for two cars, there's a little bonfire for all your campfire needs, and a little shubery to makes things pretty.

The backyard area. You got your pool, your lawnchairs, bubble blower, hot tub, workout equipment, and a telescope. There's also a photobooth, but it didn't fit in the pic. Not to mention lots more room to the left of the pic in case you need space for anything else.

Here's a nice little garden area. I tried to get the greenhouse to connect, but couldn't so I just scrapped the whole thing. Call me lazy. :P

This is just me, but my ghosts tend to be bitches. One killed a spouse three times in one evening, so I make an island for my tombstones. If you don't need it, you can just use the leveling tool in build mode to get rid of it. :)

This is the foyer area, what the sims see when they first walk into the house.

I call this the Hobby Room. With FT, there's just so much stuff you need room for, ya know?

Here we have the first half of the study, with your usual study-like things.

And here's the second half. Pretty standard really.

This is ze living room, complete with a huge ass tv and two, count em! Two! video game systems. :)

This the back of the living room, with a little sitting area back there and fake family photos to make it feel more homey. :P

Can't live without a massive kitchen! All the amenities are there, I believe. I do apologize for the food that's out. There's also a plate on the floor. I'm sorry, but I had already packaged the lot when I noticed and was too lazy to move in a sim, clean up and all that jazz. The diagonal counters still work, so no worries there.

There's dining room for 7, though you could easily move the table and make it 8. You even get a little bar with juices on the side.

Next to the rooming is what I call, The Broke Room, mostly because it has tons of posters from simgaroop's Broke Legacy. In my game, I have a bunch of career rewards in there, but you can do whatever you want with it.

I happen to just love this room. I had this extra room, so I made it a quiet tea room. My sims seem to like it as well, as they tend to flock towards it when they have nothing better to do.

This is one of the bedrooms. In the map, it's listed as Bedroom 3. If you can't tell by now, I decorate my rooms with a color theme for each. :D

Here's the nursery. At the moment it has two cribs and two toddler blankets. If you don't need that many, just delete them!

This is the playroom. Got all the toys and such your toddler or kids would want to play with.

This will eventually become a bedroom once the babies become children. At the moment it's just a plain old empty room.

This is listed as Bedroom 2. Unlike the other purple bedroom, this one has an attached bathroom.

And here it is! All the bathrooms in this house have the same design, so there's no need to show you more than one.

This is Bedroom 1. It's the biggest bedroom in the house, so if you only have one heir, this is where you put them.

The other side of Bedroom 1, which also has it's own attached bathroom, as well as access to the back porch.

To the left of the foyer, I built this little Pet Area. Originally, I was going to make the Tea Room for pets, but I like the tea room so much, I don't want to change it. :D

And here's just a couple more shots of the house.....

To show you more of the decorations.

Did you like what you saw? Want to move right in? Great!! Just click the link below! Remember, it comes fully furnished as seen in the photos.

La Pastora - The Valenzuela Legacy Home

The RAR file is 21.2MB, and the sims2pack itself is 77.7MB. So, keep that in mind when it comes to your downloads folder.

ONCE AGAIN: I have all the EP's, so install at your own risk! Do not blame me if the house messes up your game!

The house comes in a RAR file. Just unrar, and then install the sims2pack within. As this is my first house download, I'm somewhat nervous about it. If anything is wrong, please do not hesistate to let me know, and I'll do my best to help.

Included CC Links: (that I remember)
Holy Simoly (not working at post time)
Piggis-Sims (bedding, paintings and rugs mostly)
Vintage Simlish Posters
Recolours Of SimsDesignAvenue Louisiana Curtains
Simrealistic Movie Posters
Simgaroop's Movie Posters
Pixel_and_Bean's Sci-fi Paintings
Atlantis Set of Paintings
Toddler Blanket
Dana Modular Sofa

I'm pretty sure there's more, but as most people know, you acquire CC overtime, but forget where you got it. If I figure out where any other things may have come from, I'll update this list.

Well, I do believe that's everything. I'll say it again in small letters: I have all the EP's, so you shouldn't download unless you do as well. Backup, backup, backup!!

Have a nice day!

valenzuela, downloads, sims

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