Youssou N’Dour - 7 Seconds - Africa remember

Jul 08, 2008 16:46

     Сенегальский певец Youssou N’Dour - самый известный африканский музыкант за пределами континента (как
afrikane3 - в русскоязычном сегменте ЖЖ :). Его музыка - космополитическая смесь разных культурных традиций: от традиционной сенегальской музыки (mbalax) до афро-кубанских, ямайкианских ритмов, суфийских мелодий и, наконец, влияний американского соула и джаза, рок-музыки ХХ века...     
     Сам Youssou N’Dour - африканский гриот, изрядно послушавший Jimi Hendrix и Carlos Santana, играющий вместе Peter Gabriel, Sting, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Tracy Chapman и т.д. "Нью Йорк Таймс" о нем писала: "arresting tenor, a supple weapon deployed with prophetic authority".
     В России, если не ошибаюсь, единственно известной песней Youssou N'Dour была композиция "7 Seconds", исполненная вместе Neneh Cherry. Помните?
     And when a child is born into this world
     It has no concept of the tone the skin is living in
     And there's a million voices
     And there's a million voices

image You can watch this video on

     Музыкальный, стилевой космополитизм Youssou N’Dour - отражение его арт-активистских стратегий: в 1985-ом он организует концерты в поддержку Нельсона Мандела, сотрудничает с "Amnesty International" (Human Rights Now! - тур концертов 1988-го года в честь 40-летия Всеобщей Декларации Прав Человека) и другими правозащитными организациями, противостоящими расовой дискриминации, апартеиду, сегрегации, участвует в проектах ООН и ЮНИСЕФ, делает совместный проект с Йоко Оно против цифрового неравенства и в защиту "цифровых прав человека" (Digital Human Rights)...

Africa remember

image Click to view

"7 Seconds"
Don't see me from a distance
Don't look at my smile
And think that I don't know
What's under and behind me
I don't want you to look at me and think
What's in you is in me
What's in me is to help them

Roughness and rudeness, we should be using
On the ones who practice wicked charms
For the sword and the stone, bad to the bone
Battle's not over even when it's won

And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept of the tone the skin is living in

It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting, I'll be waiting

I assume the reasons
that push us to change everything
I would like us to forget about their color
So they can try to be optimistic
Too many views on race that make them desparate
Let's leave the door wide open
So they can talk about their pain and joy
Then we can give them information
That will bring us all together

Seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting, I'll be waiting

And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept of the tone the skin is living in
And there's a million voices
And there's a million voices
To tell you what she should be thinking
So you better sober up for just a second
Seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting

солидарность, космополитизм, amnesty international, мультикультурализм, eng, Нельсон Мандела, против расизма, медиа-активизм, youssou n’dour, мир без границ, гуманизм, миротворчество, права человека, против дискриминации

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