[klaine log #1]

Jan 12, 2011 00:47

characters: kurt and blaine!
rating: idk! probably... not high? okay for the kiddies, most likely?
setting: a week or so before valentine's day.

Kurt Hummel has been at Dalton Academy for Boys nearly three months, now. He's experienced some lows, of course - missing home and his friends, having to get used to being a Warbler, panicking and thinking he was going to kill a poor innocent canary with his admittedly horrible pet-care skills.

But there have also been some highs - first and foremost on that list is Blaine. And everything that he does with Blaine. And everything that Blaine says to him. Every song they sing together. Every quirk of Blaine's lips as he smiles. Every stare Kurt swears Blaine is giving him, though he has no direct proof because he seems to only do it when Kurt isn't looking. Every time their hands touch, or their knees, or their shoulders.

It's one week until Valentine's Day, the highly commercialized and calorie-filled semi-holiday that Kurt has never, ever cared about in his entire life. But suddenly he does, and that makes no sense. Just because he's in love with a guy, and that guy is actually gay, doesn't mean that he'll be giving or getting any Valentines or confessions of love this year. He's pretty sure it doesn't work like that, and in fact he'd be sort of pissed if it did. Why wait until a certain day to ask someone out or do something special for them? There's no need for him (or Blaine, but he did NOT just think that because Blaine is just his friend, dammit) to succumb to this most commercialized and frankly stupid day of love.

Right now, Kurt is thinking about this and drawing hearts absently (what, they're just a shape, they don't mean anything!) on his trigonometry notes, trying to focus on his homework and mostly failing. He scowls at a particularly annoying triangle and absently tries to beat it into submission with the eraser-end of his pencil after he's finished drawing a heart.

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