φLangishment Application

Oct 07, 2011 18:31

Name | Mikki
Personal Journal | bloodyapplepi
Contact | kiitenai@gmail.com / bloodyapplepi [AIM] / flitterfly [Plurk]
Current Character(s) | N/A

Name | Lavi
Series | D.Gray-Man (manga)
Canon Point | 188
Reference | History written for a_facility: here
Age | 19 [8/10]
Gender | Male
Suitability | N/A
Appearance | N/A
Personality |
Before the Order there was no second guessing being a Bookman or disobeying the rules, they were all he wanted. After all, it was all he knew, why would he want anything else? Bookman had raised him up like any master and apprentice, so if the job called for taking on different names and roaming around the world to record a history of true events without opinion then so be it. Lavi owed it to the old man and after a while he started to like the lonely job and felt a sense of pride. He got to see things that many wouldn't even dream about, places that they only could. Just the thought of maybe one day seeing all that Bookman had before picking the redhead up would make him thrilled beyond words. Lavi also counts himself lucky, he's educated and knows so many different things and quite possibly would have died if he hadn't had that special something that made Bookman pick him up. So he ignores the lack of a true name, home, family, and friends. All Lavi wants to be is a good Bookman and make the old man proud of him. But on the topic of feelings, Lavi is trying so hard to get rid of them and has done so well during the emotional teenage years. Not faltering throughout the unknown number of records started and completed from ages thirteen to sixteen when he joined the Order.

The order and the three years spent there made an impact on Lavi like no other record had done before. Perhaps it was because they were actually involved in it this time, actively working toward a specific outcome. Everything they were recording was being influenced by their actions, if not their emotions in Lavi's case. He started caring for these people he had been working with for so long, the first probably being Lenalee and Finder Doug. Lavi started fighting with his anger at the senseless and numerous deaths, for a youth who had already seen so much of it before becoming a Conformer Lavi too was eager to see the end of this unusual war. This time he was losing friends made in downtime, knew more than just a name that went along with the slack face with closed eyes, he knew a bit of their life or family before they joined the Order. Watched the coffins being slid into the furnace alongside those that survived and felt guilty for not being able to save them. For still being alive, but alive he also had the chance to avenge them and make their deaths mean something. "Lavi" could go down in history as having made a difference in the war between Exorcists and Noah. This war was one he wouldn't mind dying in although he had no plans to die so early in life and would fight tooth and nail to stay alive. There was no desire to Fall if the Innocence thought he was betraying it, even an Equipment type, Lavi was sure it would find a way to make him go out like Suman.

So at this point he's trying to maintain the Bookman way of being devoid of emotion and the indifference to everything that they record so that things can be recorded without opinion altering things while struggling with the new feelings of belonging and family and wanting to remain an Exorcist (aka getting too involved), everything that he's been able to avoid so far as an apprentice. I believe that even with this new juggling act Lavi is still trying to maintain his professional demeanor when it comes to recording. But "Lavi" is an Exorcist so he does - in his opinion - need to be involved and want to see the desired outcome of winning the war and getting rid of the Earl and his machines. So along with the desire to record truthfully in the Bookman way, he's trying to fight and win and remain friends. And when it comes to the point where they have to leave - either his Innocence turning out like Lenalee's or the record ends - Lavi will try his hardest to leave. In the end he is a Bookman and he owes Bookman too much to leave him high and dry. Though he probably would break one more rule and try to keep contact with everyone, if he could.

But as far as who Lavi really is? He doesn't even know himself, the apprentice before "Lavi" was a white canvas that wasn't painted on, wasn't marked. He didn't let himself have a personality really, didn't let anything come out. So "Lavi" might really be what's been lurking in the dark, his true personality, or it might simply be what he wants everyone to see. Something that's easy to keep up and pretend with, after all people will answer questions more readily to a friendly person than they will to a stoic and emotionless recorder of history.

Possessions | Eye-patch, bandanna, notebook, Innocence weapon (hammer), communicator ear cuff
Character Abilities/Powers |
Upon joining the order with Bookman at age sixteen Lavi was found to be compatible with a fragment of Innocence, the weapon of choice against the Akuma, his took the form of a black hammer with white stripes on the head. It was aptly named Tettsui (of which I'll be referring to it as) but Lavi nicknamed it Ōzuchi Kozuchi or "Big Hammer, Little Hammer", and uses two keywords to control it, "man" (grow) and "shin" (extend). The hammer is capable of growing and extending to unknown sizes and lengths but no matter how big the weight does not bother Lavi, though it bothers others.

His second level activation for the Innocence consists of elemental seals, the most frequently used seal being the Fire seal, or "hi ban". It takes the form of a giant snake made entirely out of flames. The other known seals are Heaven, Wood, and a combination of the Heaven and Fire seals; Lavi has yet to learn all of the seals available to him, as Water and Earth seals are listed but not known. More detailed explanation of their moves below:Hi Ban: Gouka Kaijin: using the fire seal to create a torrent of flames with the form of a snake;
Ten Ban: Raitei Kaiten: using the heaven seal to liberate an immense lightning;
Moku Ban: Tenchi Bankai: using the wood seal to control objects in nature;
Konbo Ban: Gouraiten: using both fire and heaven seals to create a huge snake of fire and iron. Also making a shield-like flame wall.
Lavi has an incredible memory, he can memorize pages with a glance and even details on objects. All of this is incredibly handy in his occupation and Lavi can say he hasn't forgotten a single thing from any of his 49 aliases that started at age six. And, of course, additional Bookman skills; since there is no mention of these in canon, I largely assume that it's basics in self-defense, seeing as things can get dangerous and he's been doing this before he got his Innocence. Likewise, several languages other than English, able to speak, write, and read these, otherwise he's pretty much useless in gathering information in non-English speaking countries. This is assumed merely because there are a few pages in one of the later chapters where Lavi and Bookman are seen conferring in another language so as not to be overheard. The last assumed bit of Bookman-skills would be a very basic sense of first-aid and herbology so that he won't kill himself out in the woods.

Weaknesses/Fears |
Mostly Lavi fears that he's getting too close, getting too involved, that he's falling away from being a Bookman and the path that he's on. It's something that he's warring with within himself, he doesn't want to leave it but at the same time he can't bear to pull himself away from the life he's making. Being caught and called out on this is a very big fear of his but really he'd only take it seriously if it were Bookman (or perhaps one of the Noah that know of the Bookman rules (ie: Rhode)) that called him on it.

For everyone else really his fear is that of being absolutely alone. But the sense of "alone" for him is different than most, physically being alone is fine. He's used to working on his own, the loneliness of that doesn't bother him at all. But the thought of having no connections is something that bothers him now that he's joined the Order, he'd do anything to keep them. On that note, he tries to do his best to protect his friends in the Order though really the only ones he's close to are Kanda, Allen, and Lenalee. Lavi will still do his best to protect the others, but those three (plus Bookman) are the ones he'd do anything to save/protect, giving his life for them might be a little extreme. At most Lavi would perhaps take a few hits for them, give them a chance to get out of the way or get their second wind so they can go kill whatever it is they're fighting.

As a Bookman, Lavi hates wars, hates how humans start them up over and over again without a break. Doesn't even consider himself human. All he's done since the age of six is record war after war, to his eye humans are stupid and weak for doing such things. Fighting over land, people, money, for owning something that was already "owned" by the indigenous peoples. Yet he can't forget a single moment of the wars that he has recorded, that in itself (his memory) is his pride and his bane. Lavi hates the thought of forgetting anything, of losing a memory or several memories, to do so would be like failing the occupation that he's put his life into succeeding at. So his weak points thus far: his memory and his attachments.

Soft spots... Well, he always does seem to have them for older, beautiful women. Hits on them all the time, becomes blind to most of what they might say in an evil tone in a way that would be him laughing it off: "oh, you're so cute when you say things like that" or something of that nature. The spell can be broken of course but usually by his own friends somehow snapping him out of it, every other girl? He'll flirt with, of course, but it's the older ladies that really get to him. Allen is like a little brother to him and Lenalee a sister, they can both be considered soft spots for him. Kanda is a very good and dear friend that he mainly lives for annoying the hell out of. I tend to play a more serious Lavi, a more Bookman Lavi but still a joker so this side isn't one that will arise very often.

As for embarrassment, I would say that being wrong about anything would be a huge embarrassment to him. Whether it's boasting or saying something and being so certain about it but being proven wrong. It's not something that he - with his good memory - would handle well, especially if it had come from the depths of his teaching. Not to mention intimacy itself, being a Victorian child the topic of sexual intercourse isn't something widely talked about in Europe. While his education might be complete in that respect (probably just educational materials and not the physical act itself) the topic of sex, or even being remotely intimate (ie: kissing, cuddling) isn't something talked about or done. Hand holding is fine because Lenalee's held his hand many times but always in a friendly way with none of the intent, to have someone hold his hand with a romantic idea in their head might find themselves with a flustered redhead. Intimacy = attachments.

Requested Village | Fuar
NPC mini-plot | Yes, this is absolutely fine.

First-person |
[The feed turns on to reveal a familiar looking redhead with an eye-patch, one that is already grumbling:] Don't know why that barmy [adj. mad, crazy, insane] bloke put me in this freezing cold arsed place.

[Lavi isn't looking at the feed just yet, doesn't realize he's turned it on. Instead he's glaring at the building out of sight that he just left and pulls his scarf tighter around his neck before turning toward it.]

Alright, so I've been told that I need to find a job, about underwater and floating cities, and need to find a partner... [He trails off, a faint blush staining his cheeks at the thought. Then shakes his head.]

Yeah, don't think I'll need the last. But a job would be appreciative as well as any details on where I am, what's going on, why are we here, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Any information about those from the Black Order is appreciative, yeah?

The name's Lavi. And if you're in this fricking cold place, help a redhead out and toss him some warmer clothes, would you? I dressed for China. Not the Andes.

Third-person |
It was cold and blistery up on the mountain top that he had climbed to, though it wouldn't be accurate to say that he had actually climbed it. Using the Innocence hammer given to him upon entering the Order Lavi wasn't new to using it perhaps a bit...inappropriately. Or at least not using it the way it was intended. But so far the weapon hadn't resisted or rejected the redhead's orders so he supposed that it didn't mind. Should it... Well, Lavi hadn't the faintest clue what it would do in retaliation.

He chuckled to himself and pulled his scarf tighter, using the ends to wrap around his half-gloved hands that he then shoved in his jacket pocket. "Probably would've dumped me in the snow and made me into a snowman-ball, huh Tettsui?" The hammer remained silent as always, resting quietly in the holster as a comfortable weight on his thigh. It had been almost three years since he joined the Order, three years that he wore the hammer on his leg, a daily reminder of the weight of it. It wasn't just the slight, physical weight but the weight of the material, the meaning and promise taken by the apprentice when he joined. Search for the Heart, do not waver or your Innocence will end you.

The wind picked up, the chill air reminding him what it was to be alive as the cold made his lungs ache just breathing it in. He had no desire to Fall. Whatever was going to happen to him at home in this fight with the new Noah... Lavi decided that he wasn't going to give in to their deals, to their false promises, to in any way betray the Innocence he had come to see as a reliable friend. Perhaps more of a friend than those in the Order had become to him. Not that he counted them as any less a friend, he could talk to them and have them talk back, had them to prank and hang off of for as long as he remained an Exorcist.

It was the first time that he had allowed himself these sort of close relationships, something that he wasn't supposed to do at all but it was inevitable given how long they had been working on this record. How long he had been "Lavi". The redhead leaned back against a set of rocks sticking out near the peak, sitting in the cold snow and staring out over the town he was now stuck in. Lavi knew that one day he'd have to give up his hammer, give up his friends, give up the name he had become so accustomed to hearing yelled out or spoken softly. But that day was now far off into the future, a day that he no longer had to worry about because here there were no records or wars to watch and write down in the mental journal of his mind. For now he could just relax and act like he was a normal teenager stuck in a strange place with strange rules.

Home was a long ways away and so was that day he would meet the dawn with a new name, the 50th.

#languishment, !application, ~historyrabbit

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