φFacility Application

Sep 17, 2010 00:52

OOC Information:
Name: Mikki
Age: 23
AIM: bloodyapplepi
Y!M: N/A
E-MAIL: kiitenai@gmail.com

IC Information:
Name: Lavi
Fandom: D.Gray-Man
Timeline: 188 (even though he hasn't appeared in a long while)
Age: 18 [08/10] (or nineteen, unsure of month progression in series)
Appearance: About five-nine/five-ten and 136-150 lbs, bright red hair and left green eye. Lavi's wiry and almost always has a smile or grin on his face. Although he sometimes goes without the headband used to hold up his somewhat lengthy hair, Lavi always wears his eye-patch.
Abilities: Lavi does not have his hammer but the information will remain. Lavi now has his hammer [12/29] but it is only able to extend and grow. [25% power]

Upon joining the order with Bookman at age sixteen Lavi was found to be compatible with a fragment of Innocence, the weapon of choice against the Akuma, his took the form of a black hammer with white stripes on the head. It was aptly named Ōzuchi Kozuchi or "Big Hammer, Little Hammer", and Lavi uses two keywords to control it, "man" (grow) and "shin" (extend). The hammer is capable of growing and extending to unknown sizes and lengths but no matter how big the weight does not bother Lavi, though it bothers others.

His second level activation for the Innocence consists of elemental seals, the most frequently used seal being the Fire seal, or "hi ban". It takes the form of a giant snake made entirely out of flames. The other known seals are Heaven, Wood, and a combination of the Heaven and Fire seals; Lavi has yet to learn all of the seals available to him, as Water and Earth seals are listed but not known. More detailed explanation of their moves below.

There is also Lavi's incredible memory and additional Bookman skills. [50%]Hi Ban: Gouka Kaijin: using the fire seal to create a torrent of flames with the form of a snake;
Ten Ban: Raitei Kaiten: using the heaven seal to liberate an immense lightning;
Moku Ban: Tenchi Bankai: using the wood seal to control objects in nature;
Konbo Ban: Gouraiten: using both fire and heaven seals to create a huge snake of fire and iron. Also making a shield-like flame wall.
Personality: Before joining the Order Lavi's face was that of a Bookman, cold and impartial to the things occurring around him. After all it didn't involve him and humans just made war, destroying things mindlessly, why should he care about any record he took in? For a while Lavi's face was still that after he and Bookman joined the Order.

He slowly began to change, becoming a bright and happy-go-lucky teenager despite his gruesome job of destroying the Akuma that the Millennium Earl creates. His attitude towards others is often teasing and cheerful, those he really likes seem to get a nickname or two. Most of the time this is a front, put up to appear more amiable toward his fellow Exorcists. Though over time it has become Lavi's true face, his Bookman self of indifference and cold attitude melting like the snow.

As he changes Lavi becomes more protective of his friends and colleagues, he regards Allen as a younger brother and Kanda as a dear friend to irritate the hell out of. Lenalee is somewhat between a sister and a lovely girl to hit on, if one can survive her overprotective brother Komui. He's the kind of guy who would stop you in the hall and talk about the simplest things. And like any normal, teenage boy, Lavi has a love of the older ladies, his eyes change to hearts and he yells "STRIKE!".

This does not mean, however, that Lavi does not remember how to be serious. He is always attentive to the world around him, often using his goof-ball ways as a cover to frustrate the enemy.
History: The Bookman Clan is a group of secret historians, silently gathering the truths of the world and recording them for the future generations. A Bookman is impartial and has no ties, the people of the world are like ink on paper to him. It is his job to record without personal feelings getting in the way and distorting history. Lavi is an apprentice to Bookman, training to one day take his spot as Bookman and wander the world himself until the day he too passes on his title to his successor. When Lavi joined the Clan and was adopted by Bookman at age six he threw away his original name, taking on the aliases that came with each job, casting those away when the job was complete and a new one came along. Before joining the order, his 48th name was Deak; his 49th and current name being Lavi, Hebrew for "lion".

The redhead was chosen, for a reason only Bookman knew, for his right eye, an eye that was covered at Bookman's insistence. So although Lavi wears an eye-patch over his right eye, he still has the eye. Perhaps another reason he was chosen was Lavi's photographic memory, he can memorize every single detail on an object after just seeing it once. He can memorize books after flipping quickly through the pages at an amazing speed. Throughout his training with Bookman Lavi learned different languages, medicinal skills, and enough martial arts to sufficiently defend himself. And throughout his 48 other aliases Lavi was a cold and impartial historian, just like he's supposed to be. For a while, as an Exorcist, Lavi was as well; Finder Doug said that he never met Lavi's gaze because Lavi's eye was like glass. However, during his second mission with Doug, the Finder told Lavi that he had changed during the two years he and Bookman had been a part of the order, and for the better.

The mission with Doug ends successfully, with Lavi taking care of the newly evolved level Two Akuma with minimal problems. His relationship with Doug gets better as well, and Lavi can't wait to welcome the Finder back home (a new realization for Lavi) a few weeks later. What he comes across is a newly turned Akuma whom Doug has called on himself out of his sorrow for losing someone dear. Lavi again fights the new level two and has to push his feelings aside, forcing himself to remember he is a Bookman in training. Still he is crying when he defeats the Akuma-formerly-known-as-Doug, his attachments are beginning to form. The very next day Lavi and Bookman are sent off to Germany with Supervisor Komui to Rewinding Town where the injured Allen and Lenalee were sent.

Once everyone is well enough to get on the train they start heading back to the Order, until Allen gets caught in a small town to investigate a manor. Lavi, the only Exorcist well enough to fight, was kicked off the train to go rescue Allen. He also gets roped by the villagers, who want the two Exorcists to kill the vampire living in the castle. Really it's Arystar Krory, a young Baron with Innocence-imbued (parasitic-type) teeth who has been unknowingly hunting down the Akuma in the village. Amazingly enough he has been living with an Akuma for the past few months, Eliade, a beautiful woman that let him drink her blood to get his abilities to fight Akuma. The entire time, however, Krory thinks he's a vampire and that he is killing the "humans" of the village. Allen and Lavi, thought disposed of by Eliade, discover the graves of the "humans" and find the ground and their shells decayed away to show the Akuma skeleton beneath.

Needless to say they end up fighting Krory, who was defending his love, until he learns the truth by seeing the bound soul with the help of Allen's cursed eye. Lavi also gets to see the horrible world that Allen sees in that fight, never wants to see it again. With Allen and Lavi pretty much caught again by Krory's grandfather's plants it was Krory who defeated her. On their own train back they have a run in with Tyki Mikk, a Noah, in his white form. Krory lost all his clothes to Tyki and his human friends in a game of poker, clothes that Allen wins back. Lavi gets a glimpse of his new friend's black side, the side the hates all the debts that his master left him. The side that will do anything to get his master back for all that he had done to Allen.

Soon after, returning to the Order with the new Exorcist, the call went out to gather the Generals. Lavi, Allen, Krory, Bookman, and Lenalee get put in charge of finding Allen's master Marian Cross. Tim, Cross's golem, has a homing signal and points them in the direction of Japan. They get to a (for lack of a better word) a whore house and there gain passage across the ocean to Japan with the help of Anita, the mistress of the house who has a ship. But there is a storm of Akuma racing toward them just as they are about to set sail, ignoring the Exorcists below in favor of getting to Suman's Fallen form, where his Innocence has rejected him. Allen and Lenalee race off to it while the others remain behind to help protect the ship. Lenalee comes back without him and Lavi heads back with her until they reach the spot where Tim's camera says Allen was. All they find is a bunch of blood on the ground and the Ace of Spades from the set of cards Tyki gave Allen and he carries it back with him to the ship. They are told by one of the Asian Branch members to continue on to Japan without him. Miranda joins them and repairs the damages to the ship, planning to hold her Innocence in the invoked mode until they reach the island nation.

Once the ship sets sail Lavi snaps at Lenalee for being so depressed, going so far as to break a window in his rage. To him there was nothing they could do to save Allen, they were all fighting for their own lives the day before. The Bookman in him getting pushed to the side more and more by the emotions he's suffering, something Bookman reminds him he has to be impartial to. Lavi cannot be taken in by the war, he has never been nor ever will be an Apostle of God like the other Exorcists, he is an onlooker. He goes to brood on the top deck that night, telling himself rather painfully that a Bookman has no need for a heart. It is there that Eishi, a level three Akuma attacks him; Miranda's Time Innocence reverses the injuries thankfully. Just as Lavi is about to be hit by the Akuma at full strength, Bookman uses his Innocence, Heaven Compass, a bunch of needles. Instead of destroying the Akuma he has imprisoned, Bookman questions it, allowing the monster time to break free and pull Bookman into the sky.

Lavi quickly follows on his hammer, managing to catch Bookman when he falls from the sky. Lenalee races past him on her Dark Boots, telling him she's made a decision. He returns to the ship, where Bookman's injuries are removed and they begin to fight the other Akuma lurking in the sky. Bookman protects Miranda's clock of Recovery while Krory and Lavi fight the level twos left for them. When the ship begins to sink from Eshi's Dark Matter manipulation of gravity, the Akuma's special ability, there doesn't seem to be a way to survive. Then suddenly the ship rights itself and Lavi uses his Wood Seal to make the clouds leave, revealing the three Akuma above. Krory goes up to take care of them, leaving Lavi to worry about Lenalee who went off to protect them from Eshi's attacks.

Lavi goes into a bit of his own rage, racing off to go and find her if he can. What Lavi finds is the Akuma General Cross modified, whom is carrying a crystalized Lenalee. He doesn't believe her until Timcampy comes racing in, and sits on her head as if she was Allen. The introduces herself to Lavi as Oira, asking Lavi to take the crystalized Lenalee as the Innocence was burning Oira's hands. They bring the crystal back to the ship and Oira gives them the message Cross asked her to give to them. He is alive and in Edo, completing a mission given to him, destroying a plant the Earl uses to create Akuma. The second half of the message is thus: "If you guys become a hindrance, go home!" So the choice is theirs, follow General Cross's orders and go home without him, or keep on to Edo despite the constant threat of level threes lurking about. The mutual decision is to ignore the order and keep on going to Edo, it makes no sense to turn back now after coming so far.

Lavi renames the Akuma to Chomesuke, from the creature's habit to say 'cho' apparently though it is never mentioned, another nickname given by Lavi. It turns out that because of the Akuma attacks, Miranda can't hold her invocation and the ship will pretty much go down to the ocean floor when she releases it. They need to get to Edo now, but she's worried about the others. As Lenalee reminds her that they're all walking the same road together, Lavi is struck with the realization that though he wishes he was...he is not. He's an outsider, an observer who can and will disappear like the wind should the need arise. Later when they gather on the deck to leave the ship, Lavi makes a comment to Bookman that this is too painful, the lives that are being wasted by this war and how they all are using it for them. Finally they board a lifeboat and Chomesuke lifts them away as Miranda ceases her invocation. The sailors and Anita become dust from the virus, the boat almost instantly breaking and sinking.

When they land in Edo "Sachiko", Chomesuke's human form's name, is greeted by a somewhat different "Kawamura", another modified Akuma. It turns out three level threes got to her first, they eat her right in front of the group, and soon after Chomesuke gets a message from the Earl for all the Akuma in Japan to gather. She starts to go, involuntarily, and the others follow, letting them all know the Earl is in Edo. Just as the Earl gives his order to attack the generals to his Akuma, Lavi sends a huge fire snake his way. The Earl dismisses it as if it was a fly as Chomesuke tries once more to dissuade them from fighting a battle they can't win. Krory and Lavi dart off to fight and Tyki breaks off from the gathering of Noah to face them, Lavi halts and lays his claims on Tyki. His anger at seeking revenge for Tyki killing Allen is rather large, and it just keeps growing larger with Tyki egging him on for losing a friend. Lavi keeps yelling 'shut up' at him until Tyki tells them that Allen is still alive, if they can stay alive they can meet him again. He puts it together during his battle with Tyki that the Noah are weak against Innocence and fires the combination seal at him. But it seems that Lavi is rather unmatched in skills compared to Tyki and is having a hard time against the Noah. Kanda and his team arrive, just in time to help Lavi with Tyki.

The Earl lets loose an attack, glassing Edo and almost taking out the Exorcists. Lenalee's Innocence protects her, again in a crystal shell. Thinking her to be the Heart, the one thing that can control all the Innocence in the world, even snuff them all out if the Heart is destroyed, the Noah launch a joint attack with the Akuma to get Lenalee. Just as the Earl is about to destroy her and the Innocence, Allen steps through the Ark and fights against the Earl. When things are about to get heated again, all the bad guys disappear; Kanda and Allen start their bickering and talking of shaving each other's heads out of spite. They fill Allen and General Tiedoll, Kanda and Marie's master, in on what the group has gone through since parting with Allen in China.A gate into the Ark opens, taking Lenalee in; Allen follows her and is followed himself in succession by Lavi, Chaoji (a sailor from the ship), Kanda, and Krory. Relo, the Earl's pumpkin topped umbrella has pulled them there so when the old Ark is destroyed to complete the building of the new one, they'll be dead too. After busting through a few walls to try and bust out that way, they get that there's no exit. That is until Tyki shows up with a key that unlocks things with Rhode's abilities, three doors is all they have to pass through. He leaves them the key, and with the words 'Exorcists are fun to hunt' or something along those lines.

They open the door and end up in some weird room with rainbows and stars, a few too many moons, and cottages. Skin Bolic shows up, and Kanda calls his kill, seeing as the Noah was trying to kill his General the entire time. Very, very reluctantly they leave the Japanese teen behind to face the tough Noah, running into an equally strong duo whom are the Noah of Bonds. Debitto and Jasdero give everyone a hard time, first by attacking Allen with their unique bullets that change depending on what the twins are thinking about. Then Lavi and Krory jump into the act, leaving the twins to pout and moan about the debts Cross left them. The mere $20,000 debt, however, Lavi gets another glimpse at Allen's dark side, as the younger teen yells at the twins that this is small change compared to what he's had to pay back. Jesdero and Debitto fire off a "purple bomb" which covers their eyes in a mask of sorts, rendering the twins invisible to the eyes of the Exorcists. The floor, also, becomes full with matching keys to the one Tyki gave them to the doors, an illusion but not that they can see through at the moment.

With Allen and Krory keeping the twins distracted, Lavi offers his services up as a Bookman with his incredible memory. He calls on the Wood Seal, using the wind it creates to pull all the keys together so he can sort through them, thinking to himself that if he used his left eye it would make things go faster. The other two keep fighting while he searches, and just as they're all about to leave the twins shoot each other and combine to form Jasdebi, another insanely strong Noah. They make Krory go splat on the wall, and are about to make Allen a bomb to blow the door up when Krory strikes back. A bit more fighting and the group is forced to leave behind one more of their number as Krory begs them to go on without him.

Lenalee wants to go back to get Krory, worried for her severely injured friend but Allen convinces her that they have to go on without him. They'll all return home together without fail, including Krory and Kanda. On their walk up a long staircase they start talking of what they're going to do once they get home. Lavi, of course, wants to sleep, where as Allen will eat and Lenalee train. Allen says that even if there is no faith or anything to rely on, he'll never give up and that strikes a cord in Lavi. All at once he's wondering what kind of weight Allen is carrying but still shining so brightly that it seems as if he's fading into the light.

They step over the threshold and find the Noahs Rhode and Tyki waiting at a long table covered in food, Rhode gives Allen a kiss straight on the lips. The group of Exorcists find out that the tower is all that remains of the Ark, the rest having fallen away. When they sit at the table, Lavi comforts Lenalee by telling her to calm down, Allen's trying his best as well. Tyki lets it slip that he's wondering if Allen's left arm, the Innocence, is the reason why he's still alive after the Tease ate a hole through Allen's heart; this is something he didn't tell the others. Lavi reflects on Bookman's words, "The Innocence saves its Conformer. This is an 'Exception'!" He starts to wonder if Allen too, might be the Heart that both sides seek. But if there are two "Exceptions", maybe there's something else behind it all; his thoughts get interrupted by Rhode whispering in his mind, asking if he recorded it.

Allen and Tyki continue talking, a Tease almost landing on Lenalee's shoulder but Allen pierces it with his Innocence into the chair, telling the Noah he will not lay a hand on Allen's comrades. As Allen races off to face Tyki, Rhode asks that Lavi "play" with her. And to keep the other two from interrupting their little game, Rhode locks Lenalee and Chaoji in a box that resembles a die. Lavi sets a condition to their playtime, if he wins she has to let Lavi's companions go. The game is "apparently" a simple one, "if you can get out of here". Lavi recalls that one of Rhode's abilities is "movement of air-space" but the space he's in has no feeling of reality. He still thinks that his opponent will be Rhode, when really it's his past self, Deak, that will be Lavi's opponent. Deak and all the other aliases, the ones that were true to the Bookman clan, all of the ones without those attachments. His other-self tells Lavi when the Exorcist part of his heart tries to attack, that there is no Innocence where they are since it was only Lavi's heart that moved. The hammer breaks apart and the Noah reveals she's the Noah of Dreams, a dream that Lavi is now trapped in. In the outside world, reality, Lavi is kneeling on the floor, head bowed and not moving at all.

The next thing Lavi knows is that he's on a boat once more with Bookman, heading to the Order and ignoring his new alias as it's being called out. Bookman reminds the newly named Lavi that this record is different, this record is a secret, great war between mankind and demons. Then Lavi realizes he's still in Rhode's Dreams, the Noah having read his records. Just as Lavi is about to try and break out of it, his "heart" appears. His heart doesn't exist, and he can only watch those who let him in their heart. Just then a coffin with Lenalee's corpse floats by on the river, his heart telling Lavi when he goes to her side that it's just a bit of history. The river, once empty except for the boat and coffin, is now filled with countless coffins piling up high into the cavern.

Meanwhile in reality Tyki has rejected a rather large space, including where Allen is; Rhode tucks Lavi in a box and floats the four of them out of the range of the giant vacuum. When Allen exorcises Tyki's Noah, Rhode promises him that she'll wreck Lavi's heart. All at once inside the dream, the corpses inside the coffins arise; they're all those that Lavi has met and made attachments with, even the now deceased have made their way into the dream. Bookman taunts Lavi, asking him if he feels for the "ink on the paper" defined as humans, if he feels grief for the trails of ink he leaves behind; the Bookman live outside the frame of the world. Then Lenalee's corpse joins the animated, attacking him with a knife and asking him why he abandoned them. Lavi defends himself and grabs a knife of his own, telling himself they're all just illusions made by Rhode. Ignoring what he hears, what he feels, what he sees, and he fights.

In the midst of the fight, Lavi's memory is taken over by the past, of his first few months at the Order. The scene he sees is that of a horribly lost battle with over 100 dead, Lavi spying for the first time Lenalee who is crying near a coffin. Another flashback from a longer time ago, when Lavi was a child, "The 'hidden history" is handed down from person to person, and excluded from the historical fact. You can know something that no one knows." It sweeps to Bookman and Lavi's room, a large library, and it's Lavi who says to be friendly and free like always, even after making the comment that humans are stupid.

Another memory, that of Johnny and others of the science department asking Lavi while he eats what kind of uniform he'd like. Lenalee tells him they just want to help protect him since he's become their comrade, in a bit of self reflection Lavi notes this is the first time in a record he's become a soldier. Two years go by and he's hard pressed to figure out if his smile is real or fake anymore. That they were only on the Order's side by chance made Lavi feel pain, so deep were the connections he made. The ace of spades falls out of Lavi's pocket and Allen picks it up, then Lavi's heart goes and blasts Allen dead, saying that he's nothing but a blob of ink. Krory, Lenalee, and Kanda all stab Lavi, breaking his heart inside Rhode's dream. The Bookman-self takes over Lavi's body, telling him inside the dream that he'll take over and Lavi will fade away. On Lavi's physical body, the Bookman-self spreads an odd wing tattoo on his face under his left eye. The box opens and the new, heartless Lavi drops out behind Allen; he starts attacking with his fists at full strength, a power that surprises a weary Allen.

Allen tries to get through to Lavi, who soullessly tells the Exorcist he is not Allen's comrade. Picking up his Innocence, Lavi unleashes the fire snake, still going on about how he's the next successor of Bookman and nothing else. Desperate to defend himself and try to snap Lavi out of this state, Allen sends his sword at Rhode's physical form. But as isn't her true form, it doesn't kill her or even harm her. Lavi uses the opportunity to use a flame seal right on top of Allen, but the flames aren't burning Allen like they normally would; the candles Rhode has pointed at Lenalee and Chaoji are melting and the Bookman-self begins to lose control of Lavi's body. Lavi begins to take back his form, having stabbed himself in the dream world when the trio did. And to take complete control back Lavi calls "Infinite Flame" down upon himself, engulfing Rhode too as he pierces her form in the dream world, having taken Allen's form there. His Bookman-self questions his reasons for abandoning the Bookman Clan ways for these temporary friends of his. Back in the real world, Allen calls his sword back to him and slashes through the fire snake to get at Lavi, again and again until he is successful, the fire snakes having turned to ice.

Rhode's burned form, still pierced appears and the dice Lenalee and Chaoji are in opens up. It takes them a moment but Allen and Lavi appear as well, gasping for breath through their burned lungs. Rhode's corpse suddenly becomes animated once more and starts laughing maniacally before bursting into ashes. With Rhode's form missing there's worry about the door under her power at the top floor of the tower; in a panic the group sends Lavi up to see if it's okay. Once he pulls everyone up Allen tells Lavi he's going back down to grab Tyki and Lero (the umbrella) too; Lavi's against it pretty much and Chaoji snaps, not believing Allen hasn't killed him yet and shoves him through the hole in the floor. Just as he does so, things similar to tentacles fill the hole, capturing Allen and the door to freedom. Tyki is moving once more, Noah power returning to mark his throat and hands with the stigmata, coming out with black blood, as the tentacles swarm under his skin.

With Tyki's Noah completely unsuppressed he's much stronger and faster than Lavi and Allen can manage. In desperation Lavi takes himself and Allen back to the top floor to try and go somewhere, anywhere, with everyone where Tyki can't get them. Tyki follows and attacks with Lavi using Tettsui to deflect the strong blow, the Innocence hammer beginning to crack dangerously. Tyki breaks through his guard, somehow messing with the inside of Lavi's chest because there's blood on his hand, which he licks off, when he appears behind the redhead. With the two of them out of commission, Tyki goes after Lenalee, who is saved by Chaoji from being crushed by a rock with the Innocence stuck somewhere in the Ark that's resonating with him. Just as Tyki is about to strike him down, Lavi and Allen appear again, defending and attacking the released Noah until General Cross arrives. The general locks the four in a shield of sorts where Tyki can't get to them, Cross easily winning the one-sided battle.

The Millennium Earl arrives to collect Tyki just as the last remaining bit of the tower starts to break apart. A hole rips through the ground Lavi and Chaoji, Lavi has Tettsui extend and Allen grabs the hammer's head, but the already brittle Innocence breaks in his grasp. Lavi and Chaoji fall into the emptiness, presumed to be dead from that point until Allen gains control of the Ark, asking for his friends back. The Ark rebuilds and brings all four of the lost Exorcists back, and the first thing Cross, Lenalee, and Allen hear after it returns is Lavi yelling 'dinnertime' to call Allen. The other two join Lavi and Chaoji, injured but alive, which in itself is a great feat. Excluding Krory, Lenalee, and General Cross, the four go exploring and of course getting into trouble. Chaoji gets his power bracelets, giving him super strength like he had during the fight with Tyki, making him a new Exorcist.

Using the Ark they all return to the Asia branch after collecting those they left in Edo, then return once more to their home branch in Europe. Inspector Malcom C Leverrier instructs his assistant, Howard Link, to watch over Allen, a gentleman Lavi is automatically suspicious of. Lavi wants to tag along with the two as they go to the library so Allen can fill out a large pile of papers, leaving Lavi to explain that Allen's being watched to Miranda. The next time Lavi appears is one morning in the bathroom, where Allen explains Lavi's habit of giving nicknames to people to "Two-Spot" Link. With Link trailing they go up to the science department blocked off from visitors so they can inspect the Plant that Allen also saved from the download. They're all in the cafeteria as the department is under attack by the Noah Lulubell, and her squadron of Akuma. They race toward the department, finding the doors blocked off and they're unable to get the doors open at all.

Lavi leaves to give the announcement that the Order is under attack, finding Lenalee running toward Hevlaska's chambers. Komui stops them both from going any further and shoves both Innocence-less Exorcists in the hospital room where Krory lay. Lavi bangs on the doors, wanting to be let out so he can go to where Bookman is. Lavi is denied exit, as is Lenalee who is willing to throw away her own life to try and synchro with her Innocence again if she can save everyone. Soon the Exorcists have the department under control, or so they thought as a level four arises from the "ashes". It creates more chaos as Lavi and Lenalee are joined by the head nurse who gives Lenalee her shoes as Lenalee didn't put any on. Lavi is struck by how Lenalee wants to save everyone so bad, how upset she is that everyone is in pain from the problems Innocence causes. The level four finds out Komui's status in the Order and it starts to go after him, chasing him down to Hevlaska's chambers. The call goes out to evacuate Headquarters, Leverrier going to the hospital wing to collect Lenalee so she can go to Hevlaska's side to get her Innocence.

He demands that she follow him, frightening her enough that Lavi steps in to pull the Inspector's hands off of her, interfering in a bit of history that is not his to be involved in. She tells Lavi she stopped running from being an Exorcist the day that her brother joined her at the Order, leaving with the Inspector. Lavi's torn, wondering if he should go after her as the Bookman successor or as something else, still, he follows her regardless. Leverrier thinks Lavi is going with them just for his records as a Bookman, while Lavi tells Lenalee he's not here to stop her, just asking that she let him go with her. The Inspector tells Hevlaska to do as he commands, she's been obedient so far so how is putting Lenalee's Innocence in her any different than killing her own family. Lavi recalls what he knows of the Leverrier family, a large number of them being in the Central Agency, having risen to power since the founding of the Order. The daughters of the family being offered to God as saints, leaving Lavi to ask him why he's here exactly with Leverrier responding with 'there's no other reason than killing the Earl'.

They reach the floor where Hevlaska is just as the level four breaks out of its prison and races down, striking the platform Komui and the others are riding on. Lavi jumps down the remaining floors to try and help, metal pole in hand instead of the still unrepaired Tettsui. Lavi races over to Komui and Kanda's side, defending the supervisor from the level four as Lenalee and Leverrier try to get her Innocence back from Hevlaska. Lavi and Kanda are quickly dispatched, the Akuma abandoning its killing of Komui to investigate the other people it sees, placing its foot on Lenalee's head to prevent her from getting to the Innocence. Allen, Crown Clown forcing his unconscious body to move, comes down from above, allowing her to get to her Innocence. Lavi tells Komui to go to her since she's living for him, as she drinks it after telling him she's off as if it was a simple mission. Lavi and Kanda help Allen, meanwhile, from the Akuma's energy blast meant to destroy Allen.

Allen and a newly synched Lenalee keep the Akuma distracted long enough for Cross to come back and destroy the level four. Lavi races off to the science department, or what's left of it, to see if Bookman is fine, he is and is worrying more about his hair being burnt than anything else. A few days later Lavi's briefly seen during Kanda and Allen's brawl as Johnny comes up to get measurements for their new uniforms. The head nurse finds them, as they're not supposed to be out of the infirmary yet, they show up in Komui's office with rather big ears from her pulling on them. The supervisor starts to explain the change in Innocence, most specifically Lenalee's, it doesn't act like there's any Innocence in her body but there is in the rings, and Lenalee's blood. The newly evolved equipment type of Innocence being named the Crystal type, Bookman tells Lavi that if his Innocence shows signs of evolving the will have to leave. During the meeting Marie brought up a good point, the Earl is letting the Order exist for a reason, what it is is unknown. Then Cyril, another Noah, starts another war by controlling one of the ministers he has made into an Akuma, more Akuma are to be born of this coming sorrow.

There's a small break in the canon chapters, where they're changing the Order's locations near to London, packing the Science department being one of the more dangerous places. Allen and Timcampy get long hair, Bookman (who also had his hair turned into rabbit ears) and Lenalee start talking like cats, Lavi and Kanda shrink to a child's size. The power goes out and insert some more chaos, a ghost of a child who died from the experiments of forcing Innocence into possible Exorcists tries to keep everyone from leaving her at the Order, forgetting her and the others who died like her. She managed to let loose one of Komui's potions, something that is passed like a vampire bite and makes the infected bite others. Everyone, including the newly awakened Krory, manages to get infected but Komui who is held at the mercy. He convinces her that he won't forget her, but they both get infected until Bak creates an antidote the next day. It seems that when Lavi was sixteen he came across those in the science department hiding the vitamin from Komui and went with them to the storage area.

Once Allen sets up the Gate to the new Order Lavi and Bookman step through to complete some business of their own. Leverrier pulls Allen and Komui to a private room for an investigation of sorts, Lavi is sent with Allen purely as a Bookman tonight. The two young Exorcists are placed in a room where Cross is waiting, a few of Central's assassination squad (Crow) keeping guard. Allen asks Cross if Mana had a connection with the Fourteenth, the connection being deeper than Allen could have guessed, Cross having promised Fourteenth he'd watch over Mana, his brother. "You promised me that, Allen. Or should I say the '14th'?" Cross reveals to Allen and the Bookman-Lavi that Fourteenth implanted his memories into Allen, he's the Noah's host necessary for his revival. Allen's in a state of shock until Cross slaps him, continuing on with the tale, telling his student he didn't quite believe it himself until Allen appeared. Allen sinks into a bit of despair, wondering if Mana meant it was him he loved or the brother who's memories were buried within Allen. Cross also tells Allen that when the Noah awakens he'll have to kill someone he loves, and to listen to the 14th because this war has another side. Just as Cross makes to leave Allen stops him and tells him that he promised Mana, him, not the Fourteenth, that he'd never stop walking until the day he died no matter what, promising Cross that he won't let 14th have his body.

Later Lavi asks Bookman what Cross meant by another side, the old man telling his apprentice to forget about it for now. The next morning Cross is gone, suspected to be dead of his own hand, his own Innocence, the gun called Judgement no longer being in his control and left behind. Lavi again questions his grandfather about Cross disappearing, since it seems that Bookman has realized something ever since he heard the 'another side' part of the interview. Lavi starts to make the connections too, and Bookman advises caution since they both were present at that interview. The Fourteenth's presence in Allen is revealed to the remaining Exorcists, along with the order to kill him should the Fourteenth awaken and be determined to be a threat to the Order.

Lavi isn't seen again for a few chapters until a few of the Third Exorcists come to the new Order. Allen accidentally caused the weapon of one of them to activate when he touched it with his Innocence, Lavi appears at his side to ask him who the new arrivals are. The five of them are to stay at the Order by order of the Pope. He then disappears again from the manga until a very brief appearance in China's Whan Shan, where a Noah appears before him and Bookman.
Roleplay Sample - Log:
Lavi shifted his weight off one foot and onto the other, staring out at the trail up ahead, it was still a long way to his destination, not that the redhead minded it much. He was used to walking long and endless trails, it wasn't anything new to a Bookman, even one in training like Lavi. He grinned and rubbed under his nose, casting a glance behind him at the lagging members of his traveling party. "Come on Panda! We're almost at the station! Then ya can get the senior lunch like ya wanted!"

Behind him the Bookman yelled, of course telling his apprentice to not call him that, at the moment he was too far away for the normal kick to the back of the head. Lavi rubbed that next in remembrance, no matter how old Bookman was, he still managed to kick Lavi's tall form a good ten feet most of the time. Of course Supervisor Komui was also managing to keep the rather short, old man occupied and distracted so that Lavi remained untouched. He'd have to find a way to thank the crazy leader of their branch of the Order.

Though...right now the untouched and unspoiled lands stretched out in front of him, it was farmland yes, but war had not ruined it. A small scowl crossed Lavi's face as he recalled the other countless wars he had recorded since joining Bookman as his apprentice. Still it wasn't a thought for this beautiful day, a master of masks the scowl was covered with the smile that had become part of this persona known as Lavi. It had been two years since he had joined with Bookman, making this the longest record yet, how much longer until the end? There was a bit of a feeling but Lavi guessed things were going to start snowballing as soon as they got to this little "Rewinding Town".
Roleplay Sample - Journal:
[The video snaps on to reveal a rather annoyed and disheveled looking redhead covering his right eye with his hand. He hasn't quite noticed the webcam directed at him yet.]

Timothy! This isn't one of yer games! What did you do with my eye-patch you brat!

[Finally he figures out this is NOT home.]

...What the hell? Tch. Another one of Rhode's dreams? [He raises his voice.]

Oi! Noah! I ain't playing yer games again!

You could at least give me my eye-patch back. [He grits his teeth and gets up, moving toward the shiny black dot that is the webcam, walking past it.]

Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here. I'm sorry it's so long. /sob I'm horrible at summarizing. /too detailed for own good

!application, ~historyrabbit, #a_facility

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