φObservation Spotlight - Week 162 (Off Week)

Sep 17, 2010 00:49

Week 48 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 49 - Seven Deadly Sins Week
Not in observations.

Week 50 - Acclimatization to Isla Nublar
Sunday: "(Lavi) on a hunt for books to burn."

Week 51 - Random Confessions Week
Not in observations.

Week 52 - Off Week Week
"(Lavi) seems to be making an attempt at being useful. Too little, too late. They've been doing fine without you, and they don't need you now. And considering the way they keep embarrassing the hell out of each other, they don't want any of this recorded. They might kill you if you try."

Week 53 - Off Week
"(Lavi) - In denial about his ability to stay objective. A failure at his chosen profession."

Week 54 - Age Regression Redux Week
Not in observations.

Week 55 - Neon Week
Sunday: "(Lavi) seeks out a sequin remover, and is told to use (Roman)'s face."

Week 56 - Valentine's Day Mini-Event
"(Ezio), imagining death, and not in the sense that says money and investments need to keep creatures going past their own thresholds, all for science. Science is it's own belief system, and as any other faith, it must be tested. Will the funding stay? Past the salvation of the undeserving, refusing to -- ah -- bend, will then turn into something more. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Perhaps only, as with (Lavi) and (Kid), be nothing more than a discussion on what weaponry is to a wielder, and what it isn't when the wielder is as much a tool as the weapon wielded. Step by step, both closer and further away from the end goal, everyone moves forward, even on feet so pained that standing is it's own exquisite torment."

Week 57 - Mini Week
Not in observations.

Week 58 - Hand/Cookies Week
Unknown - midi file

Week 59 - Lack of Inhibitions Week
Thursday: "(Komui) is completely useless in the face of (Kanda)'s torture. Is gathering up injured (Lavi) and (Link) in an attempt to compensate for his failure by tending to them. (Itachi) attempts to regain his lover from his imperious "uncle." "

"(Lavi), near death, proposes to (Ishtar)."

Week 60 - Off Week
Saturday: "(Lavi) goes looking for the all-clear to get out and get himself hammered."

Week 61 - Acclimatization to (D.Gray-Man) London
Wednesday: "(Syaoran) nearly plummets to his death. Several subjects reply to watch, (Lavi) spoils their fun."

"(Dante) proves himself so bad in a fight that both (Allen) and (Lavi) must save him from his stupidity."

Week 62 - Psychological Disorders Redux Week
Not in observations.

Week 63 - Noah Week
Not in observations.

Week 64 - Vampires Redux Week
Not in observations.

Week 65 - Dreams Week
"(Lavi) frightened by implications of rebirth when the shades of those who've gone before continue to linger in memory, their transformations into something new marred by his inability to let go, move on, or help."

Week 66 - Off Week
Unknown - Pig Latin

Week 67 - Language Barrier Week
Not in observations.

Week 68 - Out of Character Week
Monday: "(Lavi) gets to his recording duties! If only we could hire him like this!"

Week 69 - Voodoo Dolls Week
Monday: "(Lavi) shows some common sense, and is duly dismissed."

Week 70 - Off Week
Thursday: "(Inazuma), and got turned down, he'll get over it. He also got into a fight with the midget (Hiei), and (Shelke). Having seen what he was doing, (Lavi) corrected his misconception."

Week 71 - Rapture Week
"To what chaos do we willingly descend? (Sebastian) and (Neku), how can you answer us? (Jet) responds by pooling resources, setting himself up as a small king of an even smaller kingdom. (Russell) asks that the idiots cease being idiots long enough to let them all survive. (Lavi) bears with everything, searching for lost things among lost souls and lost causes."

Week 72 - Drugs Week
"(Kanda) is back and as ineffective and annoying as ever. For all of his yelling, what has he actually done? It's always (Allen) and (Lavi) actually fighting. Even (Link) and (Komui) have more battle miles than him these days. (Kanda) just has sex and brushes his hair. If the exorcists ever thought they needed a cheerleader, their prayers have been answered."

"(Lavi) requires an entire team of handlers to keep him alive. His peers should do something about that, since it's a waste of energy to constantly keep saving him."

Week 73 - Crashing/Flooding Week
"21B finds himself in the same trap as so many others, forming lasting bonds with fellow subjects. Strengthening those bonds, looking for reasons to keep doing so, finding similarities between who and what he is, and who and what others are... in the face of being tormented willingly by those who have no regard for his emotional well being. Above and beyond the Consortium, of course. Expressly interested in the world and absorbing facts that on their own often have very little worth. | Status: 59%"

Week 74 - Extra Appendages Week
Sunday: "(Lavi) lost an eye, assumes it was done to everyone, and immediately starts whining."

Week 75 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 76 - Plant Take Over Week
Not in observations.

Week 77 - Master & Slave Week
"Admits to not reading the observations, we can just put whatever we like here. (Lavi) and (Inazuma) discuss their worlds post (Lavi) making (Inazuma) fix his bed after a vigorous round of sex. (Lavi) also has a thing for (The Earl) and wishes to be one with him."

Week 78 - Not So Solitary Week
Not in observations.

Week 79 - Clothes Switched Week
Monday: "(Temari) feels like she can't be a true lady, thus she tries to flee from the role, she wishes to trade clothes, and possibly lives with another? (Gaara) refuses the shove to explore himself, while (Kanda) and (Lavi) push forward to build each other up. (Shikamaru) presents himself as a fount of knowledge, and (Sora) presents himself of healing. (Zero) fights against himself and his true nature. (Tokusa) must evolve in a new way. (Soubi) mourns one who isn't lost and (Vriska) mourns those who are not here."

Week 80 - Spiders Week
Not in observations.

Week 81 - Heart-Bomb Week
"(Eddie) appears to crave violence, even when it is literally coating the walls all around him. Perhaps a voyeuristic tendency being displayed, as he arms the masses. There can be no possible motive other than enjoyment from others maiming and killing each other. Similar sociopathic tendencies noted in (Amanda), (Sebastian), and (Syaoran). Psychosis appears to have taken (Izuna), (Watanuki), and (Sasuke), possibly (Madara) as well despite introducing an undamaged version. (Eugene) is another subject that did not handle this experiment well, showing early signs of psychosis. (Lavi) appears to have had a complete psychological break. Instead of desensitizing subjects to violence and making it a part of their normal existence, many subjects continued to react and show signs of emotional trauma."

Week 82 - Sex Change Week
Sunday: And even though he has been here a while (Lavi) instead of showing his persumed intellegence assumes that he is hallucinating before going 'Oh wait, I am at a place where six out of eight weeks a month they perform experiments on us'.

Tuesday: And (Lavi), in attempt to regain his masculinity asks the facility if they want to play poker. Any attempt at masculinity died with the eyelash batting.

Saturday: (Lavi) parades topless through the facility, uncaring of psychological trauma and clearly getting an erotic thrill from the display.

Week 83 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 84 - Acclimatization to Abyss / Fourth Wall
"What the hell can be said? Half the time we couldn't even tell what rats belonged to what observation team. And who is responsible for the ridiculous number of (Ichigos)? Even as much as that subject fights, there's no need for that many in any setting! Or the (Hidan) collection! One is annoying, two are annoying as hell, three? Fucking ridiculous. The (Fourteenth) collection isn't quite as boring, even if they kind of shattered (Lavi) and (Allen)'s brains. At least we only have one (Jack Noir) to deal with so far, since that one is probably going to blow a hole in what's left of our budget. Probably going to blow a hole in the little club house the kids have going, too. Wonder what color the streets will be running with when he gets dear (CD) back on a leash and starts tearing through that collection. (CD) has been turning into an interesting case, showing some backbone with (Ace Dick) and even with (Jack) to a lesser extent. Not that we're expecting him to avoid killing those kids. Assuming the kids don't do it themselves. Who the fuck thought gunpowder and (John) together would end well? I'm betting on (Equius) turning on all of them. Or (Nepeta) doing something hideously stupid that would put even (John) to shame. Did she really eat that? Really?"

Week 85 - Slavers Week
Not in observations.

Week 86 - Clumsy Week
Wednesday: (Lavi) decides until he can deal with what happened he will surrender to another 'personality'. Judging by the events that happened, it proves that the (Lavi) alias is a weak one and would rather be (Deak).

Week 87 - Partners Week
Not in observations.

Week 88 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 89 - Acclimatization to Venice, Italy
"(Syaoran) was brave enough to actually try to teach (Lavi) something. That's damn impressive. Good luck keeping up with (Reishun)."

"(Lavi) has been in the mushrooms. That explains so much."

Week 90 - Evil Twins Week
Not in observations.

Week 91 - Telepathy Week
Saturday: And (Lavi) a poem, from us to you.A Bookman's Ode
By: Observation Team 3732

Oh a poor rabbit,
he has a nasty habit.
He lies about who he is,
each lie like a candle on a chandelier.

Is what he will tell them truth?
Or merely a lie for everyone to sleuth.
For all of his names,
and could this be his final game?

This is how he copes,
All the time, secretly mope.
After all he is supposed to have no heart.
Something that is merely an imagination's part.

Dear Bookman!

Dear Boy!

Show your true self,
and then you'll get your help.

Week 92 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 93 - Ghosts Week
Thursday: (Lavi) is making friends with his poltergeist.

Week 94 - Canon Rewind/Fast-Forward Week
Not in Observations.

Week 95 - Bugs Week
Sunday: (Sasuke) takes advantage of previous experiment to start courting (Lavi). Not expecting (Sasuke) to be successful, but then again, (Lavi) has had some very odd tastes in the past.

Week 96 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 97 - No Clothes Week
Not in observations.

Week 98 - Acclimatization to Whispering Rock
Not in observations.

Week 99 - Stupidity Week
In a coma.

Week 100 - Hinamizawa Syndrome Redux Week
In a coma.

Week 101 - Off Week
Sunday: (Ritsuka) and (Lavi) question the time. They get next to no responses because no one cares about those questions any more.

Wednesday: (Lavi) gives out presents. He advertises to everyone he isn't friends with. Maybe he's trying to do something about his bottomed out self esteem?

Week 102 - Shadow Self Week
Not in observations.

Week 103 - Torture TV Week
Not in observations.

Week 104 - Rebellion Week
"(Lavi) has actually started growing outward, making connections against his Clan's creed, perhaps another way to break him. Considering that he breaks down a little more each time one is terminated, kicks the bucket and reanimates, or is critically hurt. Encourage additional bonds through forced interactions during stress in order to build him up. He must fall hard in order to break. Not to mention it will be interesting to see what sort of damage this part does. 83% complete."

Week 105 - Shut Down Week
Not in observations.

Week 106 - Off Week
"(Lavi) thinks it isn't a safety hazard at all to dig holes everywhere."

Week 107 - Acclimatization to Gotham
Tuesday: (Lavi) goes out of his way to make the PAINT WAR culturally sensitive. Trolls sure are weird.

Friday: (Lavi) thanks everyone for the paintwar and goes to wash up. Quite fun.

Week 108 - Body Swap Redux Week
Not in observations.

Week 109 - Wish Week Redux Week
Wednesday: (Lavi) seeks comfort in (Tyki)'s bed to escape the pain of his ex-lovers (Earl) and (Sasuke) fighting over him after (Sasuke)'s plunges to his suicidal death when he realizes he cannot win. (Axel) steals his cats while he's away.

Week 110 - Off Week
"(Lavi) has been outsmarted by his pets. More points for our lack of intelligence problem. Just screw (Kanda) already."

Week 111 - Canon Swap Week
Not in observations.

Week 112 - Experiment Grab Bag Week
Tuesday: (Lavi) is cute. Like every other child.

Week 113 - Ice Rink Week
Monday: (Lavi), (Axel), (Alma), (Alfred), (Kanda), (Link), (Allen), (Rin), (Sasuke), (Tyki), (Ishtar) and (Cooro) bask in the post orgy glow. Really guys, you all were CHILDREN. You should be ashamed.

Tuesday: Does (Lavi) ever post anything that isn't angst or being hot for (Tyki) we doubt it.

Friday: Could (Emilia) get any more desperate? Really, it's just embarrassing at this point. Really, between (Alma) and (Lavi) and all the other boys looking to get into those tight pants, do you honestly think he'd waste his time with you?

Week 114 - Off Week Week
Not in observations.

Week 115 - Acclimatization to Labyrinth
Tuesday: (Komui). (Lavi) wasn't lying and knows all the details! While a vampire fed off you your sister did get married to Him.

Week 116 - Mirages Week
Friday: Having fun, (Lavi)? We hope so. Oh wait. We noticed you haven't destroyed anything at all. Rack it up with your other failures.

Week 117 - Seven Deadly Sins Redux Week
Not in observations.

Week 118 - Off Week
Wednesday: Oh! Did you see that?! (Lavi) cut (Kanda) off on video. That was awesome. But (Lavi). We know something you don't know about our dear (Kanda).

Week 119 - Lack of Inhibitions Redux Week
Wednesday: (Lavi) is on the look out for (Tyki). After all, he is ready to abandon the Order for some fling with the person who killed so many of his allies. No wonder everyone is losing their own trust in you.

Week 120 - Super Sensitive Hearing Week
Not in observations.

Week 121 - Buttons Week
Wednesday: (Mai) does (Lavi) a huge favor and ends his suffering. Wait, make that causes incredible suffering. But who cares about the little details, right?

Week 122 - Off Week
Sunday: We’re just going to cut out all the calls for medic, got it (Tommy), (Patchouli), (Ramona), (Justin), (Alessa), (Lavi), (Matthew P.) and (Kate) . Look at all that work we just saved! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH NEEDY. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH THE MEDICS WORKED. BLAH.

Week 123 - Dream Broadcast Redux Week
Not in observations.

Week 124 - Hate!Love Week
Not in observations.

Week 125 - Water into Wine Week
Not in observations.

Week 126 - Psychological Disorders Redux Week
Not in observations.

Week 127 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 128 - Acclimatization to Wonderland
We’re starting to think that (Lavi) is becoming more like (Link) every day. Except instead of onstalking white-headed, underage Exorcists, he’s stalking Noah.

Week 129 - Silence is Golden Week
Not in observations.

Week 130 - Memory Transfer Week
(Lavi) and (Tyki) sure have been sleeping with each other a lot lately.

Week 131 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 132 - Freak on a Leash Week
(Lavi) sings. Like everyone else. Val isn’t that creative, thats what we get for letting robots take over. Except for you little guy. We’re bros.

Week 133 - Zombies Virus Week
(Lavi) didn’t like Val’s gift. Boo hoo. Oh wait. It wasn’t Val’s, was it?

Week 134 - Test Grab Bag Redux Week
Not in observations.

Week 135 - Off Week
(Lavi)’s all too willing to share all his dirty secrets as he uses (Kanda) as a rebound. Just what were they doing in that room together? We know but we’ll never tell.

Week 136 - Acclimatization to Serenity
So (Tyki) just woke up hours ago? That’s not what we saw. Don’t believe (Lavi) or (Tyki) when they say they were ‘comatose’ at the same time.

Week 137; Faciliberries are Alive Redux Week
(Lavi) and (Siri) are hitting off well. He’s even using that Exorcist line to try to get into her pants and after everyone gave him the talk already.

Week 138 - Reavers Week
(Tyki) returns and no one seems to care while (Lavi) and (Allen) hope he just bleeds out onto the dirt. (Kenzi) probably just wants to rob him of something.

Week 139 - Zero Gravity Week
Not in observations.

Week 140 - Off Week
Not in observations.

Week 141 - SAW Week[Having forgotten the smoke rising from the box in his pain or rush, Lavi plunges his hand in and screams. Jerking his hand out and waving it frantically to get the acid off. 06:20 He glances at Autumn's box, a look of agony on his face and then back at the box with the key. Lavi's feet are killing him and he has to move! Gritting his teeth the redhead shoves the same hand back in the box and fumbles around for the key, barely grasping it and pulling his arm out.

Stumbling now he moves toward Autumn's box, 04:31 and he can barely bring himself to move his feet. Lavi almost drops the key into the coals trying to transfer it to his good hand but barely manages to hang on. Spending another precious seconds fumbling to get the key in the lock, Lavi is shaking by the time he gets it turned and Autumn all but jumps onto her master.

Lavi stumbles back but manages to keep to his feet, slowly making his way back to the platform. It's the only safe place in the room to rest. 01:51 strikes the clock as he makes his way halfway there and Lavi collapses on it just as it starts its final few seconds. He doesn't even see the screen light up again as it reaches 00:00.]
All that for pussy. Priorities. They ain’t got them. This gets a 2.[Tyki starts laughing as fingers curled to his forehead over the stigmatas] Damnit Lavi....

0:44... 0:43.... [The Noah stepped onto the platform, still laughing nearly insane as his hand pushed the red button on the wall. The spikes shot out, impaling the Noah into the wall on the other side and the laughter cut of instantly, followed by choking and sudden screaming. The clock stops and the barely visible Tv shows only the vents in Lavi's room with the toxic gas slamming shut. Sudden grating churns in the walls, withdrawing the spikes and the walls back into the hallway as if they were never there, but the sudden blood coming from Tyki's wounds and the blood splattered against the wall is all the evidence the viewer needs. Tyki drops to the ground, wounds made by Innocence not healing immediately like other wounds usually do. He's stopped screaming at least now that the Innocence is no longer within him. ]
Just write a love ballad for these two and get it over with. A 1 because we’re not allowed to give 0’s.

Week 142 - Mud Wrasslin' Week
Not in observations.

Week 143 - Revenge of the Biodome Redux Week
Looks like (Lavi) won’t be hanging around for long. Don’t pity him. He couldn’t take it anymore and did it to himself. What? Did you think it was an accident?

Week 144 - Off Week
Monday: And (Lavi) follows in the pedophilia trend. That’s a pretty sick threesome you’re looking for, Eyepatch.

Tuesday: And (Kanda) returns! You missed the first round with (Alma), but we’re sure that (Lavi) would be more than willing to fill in for the sleepy tyke.

Week 145 - Lobotomy Gas
Friday: (Lavi) makes a really cute nurse, just ask (Bakura).

Saturday: As if it is so hard to trick him, (Lavi). Pretend to be his friend. Keep him happy. Don‘t ever let him know he’s really alone. It keeps you safe, doesn’t it?

Week 146 - Missing Parts
Friday: (Kanda) and (Lavi) both cheat on the Noah and spend all day feeling up each others’ legs.

Week 147 - Invisibility
Thursday: Never get good advice from (Lavi), (Axel). Despite that knowledgeable mind of his, he’s really rather dull when it comes to emotional things or anything needing feeling.

Week 148 - Off Week / Bachelor's Auction
Thursday: (Lavi) wants to take his lover and ‘friends’ fishing for happier times that he sent (Maka) to distract (Tyki) so he could take his fish. But what he doesn’t know is that we’ve brought in someone from his home. We might just have to take someone away to accomindate.

Week 149 - Gremlins
In a coma.

Week 150 - Intern Controlled Puppets

Week 151 - Wings (ala Haibane)
In a coma.

Week 152 - Sleep Deprivation
In a coma.

Week 153 - Off Week / Mistletoe
Monday: Priorities. (Lavi) has them.

Week 154 - Facial Recognition Failure Week
Not in Observations.

Week 155 - Acclimatization to Hope's End / Fourth Wall
Saturday: Why don’t you just take care of those copies yourself, (Lavi)? Some exorcist you are.

Tuesday: We can’t say how many times (Lavi) and (Kanda) fucked this week. Oh wait, we can since we got it all recorded. Getting off on that later.

Week 156 - Asura's Insanity Week
Tuesday: (Kanda), don’t you know if (Lavi) is like any of his copies he is currently most likely pursuing a sexual relationship with someone. No need to worry that he is missing, he is probably frolicing somewhere with (Tyki) and most definitely not a unicorn, although that helmet...

Week 157 - Off Week
Tuesday: (Lavi) makes a deal with Satan. This will be lovely.

Week 158 - Shut Down Redux Week
Not in Observations.

Week 159 - Off Week
Not in Observations.

Week 160 - Wishes Redux Week
You could have asked me for help, (Lavi) for I am the most renowned chef in this sector of the galaxy.

Week 161 - Canon Swap Redux Week
Monday: Human love triangles are always complicated, but (Lavi) seems capable of handling two relationships at once, even if he is in bed with (Kanda) more than (Tyki).

Friday: (Lavi), please don’t ruin the process. Sick patients must be naked in order to fully absorb the proper clone sickness reductions.

Week 162 - Off Week

~historyrabbit, #a_facility, !observations

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