So there's that random pairing generator thingy that
stellamaru put together for HP, right?
Well, the other day I got Tonks, Ginny, perfume, where the wild things are.
Instead of working on any of the stories I've already got started, I wrote this. I couldn't manage to fit in "where the wild things are," but then, I didn't really try very hard.
ladyfingers. draft 1. Tonks/Ginny. NC-17. 350 words of gratuitous girlsex )
Comments 12
Thanks, babe!
Especially the last line (where I would argue you *did* bring in 'where the wild things are', just not in so many words).
I admit, I wsa thinking more along the lines of Tonks actually mentioning the book *g* but you make a good point.
I like the intensity of it, Tonks and Ginny's total involvement with each other, building up to that last line. And I like how you worked the perfume in. :-)
And I like how you worked the perfume in.
Well, Tonks is known for her clumsiness.
Have been trying to read the remixes, but have been daily thwarted by various and sundry things. Comments and praise are, therefore, forthcoming.
I love that Tonks' clumsiness can be redeemed - and in such a lovely way.
*nod nod*
I like the idea of her being graceful in smaller, private ways.
Have been trying to read the remixes, but have been daily thwarted by various and sundry things. Comments and praise are, therefore, forthcoming.
Well, there are a lot of them. But they're not going anywhere.
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