Fic: Capable (Faith, meet Snape)

May 28, 2003 10:07

Title: Capable
Author: victoria p.
Summary: Faith is tested.
Spoilers: Vague S7, post-Chosen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own not. You sue not.
Feedback: Is always loverly.
Notes: Thanks to Jen, Dot, Meg and Pete'n'Melissa. Written for random_hundreds. Crossovers, my new drug of choice. Who knew?
Date: May 28, 2003

*** )

fic: xover, fic: btvs, fic: hp:xover, snape, faith

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Comments 10

marag May 28 2003, 07:18:54 UTC
I like this! This just seems so Snape, he's doing the right thing, but that doesn't mean he has to be *nice* about it, you know? Which makes him an interesting working partner with Faith.

I haven't read the books in a few years, so my ideas about Snape are mainly from the movies, but he rang true for me :)


musesfool May 28 2003, 08:48:51 UTC
I like this!


This just seems so Snape, he's doing the right thing, but that doesn't mean he has to be *nice* about it, you know? Which makes him an interesting working partner with Faith.

Right. Because she certainly won't be nice about it if she thinks she's being played or taken advantage of.

Cool. I'm glad it worked for you.


juliekarasik May 28 2003, 15:14:53 UTC
*Very* nice. Want more.

So, hmmmm.... I can figure Ethan out well enough, but I wonder what house Giles was in.


musesfool May 28 2003, 19:31:58 UTC
*Very* nice. Want more.


I can figure Ethan out well enough, but I wonder what house Giles was in.

I figure Ravenclaw. Not that he's not brave enough to be in Gryffindor (he wanted to be a fighter pilot, after all); I just think he was probably a grind pre-Ripper.


raincitygirl May 28 2003, 23:23:00 UTC
Ooh, nice crossover. I particularly like the delicate use of unreliable narration, or what *I* see as unreliable narration. Faith assumes she had to be tested because she's her, but knowing Snape, if Giles had brought Buffy instead, he'd have insisted on testing her too.


musesfool May 29 2003, 07:13:31 UTC

And yes, Giles is telling her that it's *his* word that's in doubt, not her abilities, but Faith obviously has Issues and doesn't believe they'll ever really trust her again.

Somehow, I think Snape would like Buffy even *less* than Faith. But I could be wrong.


raveninthewind November 8 2004, 03:51:21 UTC
This encounter is a lot of fun; thanks for writing it. :D


musesfool November 14 2004, 02:07:21 UTC
Thanks for reading and commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


leni_jess October 25 2007, 23:15:02 UTC
Came here from a crack_broom rec for In Shadow and then this. Very nice, both. You really got Faith! both her competencies and her hang-ups, as well as her speech. I'm not fond of Sirius, but he was well done, plausible, just as Snape seems to be, here.

Faith, and Giles, and Willow, seem to fit into the Potterverse much better than Buffy herself ever would.

Did you ever write Snape + Faith vs Malfoy? I'd love to read it!


musesfool October 26 2007, 04:43:09 UTC
Thanks. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

Did you ever write Snape + Faith vs Malfoy? I'd love to read it!

I didn't. I'm not much of a Snape fan, really.


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