I lost a lifetime thinking of it

Nov 12, 2016 11:55

So I've written numerous stories in which Force ghost!Anakin appears and I'm working on one now where he's the annoying backseat passenger on Rey and Finn's Epic Space Road Trip (and Finn is not at all happy about this development, for obvious reasons), and thinking about how to characterize him. Because he chooses to appear as 22 year old Anakin ( Read more... )

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, anakin skywalker: human disaster, writing is hard!

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Comments 3

redrikki November 12 2016, 17:31:19 UTC
I feel you on how to write Anakin's Force ghost. I wrote him as one in Old Haunts (All We've Ever Know). In it he was riffing with Obi-Wan, so in many respects his dialog was more Clone Wars-like, but I wrote him as more reflective. He has years of perspective, both for having lived, and for having witnessed the aftermath as a ghost. Keep his basic character traits, loyalty, temper, etc., but make him actually think about the choices he made and how they impacted both himself and the galaxy at large. If he's mentoring, I'd say write him a bit like he was with Ahsoka, but maybe a bit like he was with Luke too.


musesfool November 12 2016, 17:58:06 UTC
Right, he's gained wisdom via a hard and terrible path, and that should show up, even if he's still more TCW-era Anakin in his interactions with others, without Vader's weird formality (that may also be a performance that became reality over the years - the formality, I mean). So he's more patient and not very angry.

If he's mentoring, I'd say write him a bit like he was with Ahsoka, but maybe a bit like he was with Luke too.

*nod nod*


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musesfool November 15 2016, 18:01:19 UTC
That was the conclusion I came to, as well, after some thought. *g*


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