leathery footballs of hope

Aug 23, 2016 12:54

So Amazon did a pilot of a new live-action Tick. I will have to check it out, though honestly, I don't believe anything could top the cartoon. I mean, Patrick Warburton was perfectly cast in the first live-action version, and I enjoyed Batmanuel, but the cartoon was the best! I used to get up on Saturday mornings to watch it, despite being in my ( Read more... )

quotes, tv: the tick

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Comments 4

mousapelli August 23 2016, 17:34:44 UTC
my favorite has always been "Egads, you can't blow up the earth! that's where I keep all my stuff!"

Or the entire episode about the corn army, that one kills me. "I hate broccoli. and now...I am broccoli."


musesfool August 23 2016, 17:35:49 UTC
Ha yes! And Chairface Chippendale carving his name into the moon!

Or the entire episode about the corn army, that one kills me. "I hate broccoli. and now...I am broccoli."

"What kind of soldiers are you?" "Kernels." *dies*


mousapelli August 23 2016, 17:42:09 UTC
or that nightclub one with the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight and the sidekick lounge. "Sweet Borneo!"


musesfool August 23 2016, 17:46:06 UTC
I forgot about the sidekicks lounge!

"An object at rest...cannot be stopped!"


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