fic: ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with (Captain America; Steve/Bucky; g)

Oct 18, 2015 20:10

ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
Captain America; Steve/Bucky; g; 1,720 words
Bucky's always been kind of a ladies' man. Steve's never quite gotten used to it.

A little fluff for
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fic: captain america, otp: not without you, steve/bucky, steve rogers, epic tragic century long love story, fic: avengers movieverse, bucky barnes

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Comments 2

tenaciousmetoo October 30 2015, 02:44:56 UTC
So adorable, thank you! I can't believe I didn't see this earlier. <3


musesfool November 2 2015, 19:53:12 UTC

Thank you!


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