fic: I want to take a breath that's true (Captain America; Steve/Bucky; g)

Jul 04, 2015 14:12

Happy Independence Day! Have some Steve/Bucky fic:

I want to take a breath that's true
Captain America; Steve/Bucky; g; 2,225 words
In which Steve and Bucky have breakfast in Central Park and hash out some stuff.

Happy birthday, Steve Rogers! This isn't quite what you suggested,
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fic: captain america, otp: not without you, steve/bucky, steve rogers, epic tragic century long love story, fic: avengers movieverse, bucky barnes

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Comments 4

raincitygirl July 4 2015, 22:52:36 UTC
I love the bittersweetness of this story. Just love it!


musesfool July 5 2015, 02:40:33 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy it worked for you!


rissabby July 6 2015, 04:28:28 UTC
I like the friendship aspects of this story, Steve and Bucky and sort-of Natasha and Bucky.

In the comic book world Natasha and Fury have had youth serum to account for Fury being the same guy that led the Howling Commandos, and for Natasha still being as young looking as she was during the cold war. So that's another fit with her and Bucky being some sort of maybe not quite friends. (I haven't seen Age of Ultron so I'm missing some movie cannon.)

And, I totally love the tiny implication that Steve has been visiting Peggy an on-going way. Of course he has -- and I never realized it until today.


musesfool July 8 2015, 14:02:04 UTC
Thank you!

Yeah, I love Bucky and Natasha's relationship in the comics - or I did until they torpedoed it *sigh* - so I always try to include some variation of it in my stories.


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