fic: a little more to life somewhere else (Arrow/The Flash; Felicity/Barry; pg)

Oct 11, 2014 21:25

I don't even know, but I wanted to post before it's totally jossed.

a little more to life somewhere else
Arrow/The Flash; Felicity/Barry; pg; 2,215 words
"I think we could be happy."

Title from Tom Petty. Spoilers for "The Calm." At AO3.

a little more to life somewhere else )

fic: dcu, fic: xover, felicity smoak/barry allen

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Comments 10

taraljc October 12 2014, 02:15:35 UTC


musesfool October 12 2014, 02:27:26 UTC
Yay! Thank you! I'm happy that you're happy! *g*


thistlerose October 12 2014, 03:18:51 UTC
YES. Be with Barry, Felicity. Be happy. This was lovely.


musesfool October 12 2014, 04:06:53 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it. I just want them to have happiness and be nerdy together! Is that too much to ask?


vonniek October 12 2014, 04:27:24 UTC
Aww these two. That was absolutely lovely and gave me a lot of feelings.

She throws her arms around him and clings tight, because she's learning to hold onto the good things while she can, and because she doesn't want to think about the bad ones for a while.

Oh Felicity, honey. *sniffles*

"And maybe that's not the epic romance either of us dreamed of, but it's ours, if we want it. And I think it could be good."

AUGH. *heartclench* Hurray for emotional honesty!


musesfool October 12 2014, 15:25:25 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you liked it! I admit to hoping you'd read and enjoy it. *g* Thank you for letting me know! I feel like Felicity's ability to be emotionally honest is her superpower. She just needs to use it on other people more.


alethialia October 12 2014, 18:40:47 UTC
AWWW! Felicity! She totally deserves something real, something that has a chance to make her happy.

So great. Thanks for sharing!


musesfool October 15 2014, 01:24:09 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting! I really want her to have something good for herself, too. I hope she gets it, even though it's not going to be Barry. Sigh.


lembeau October 14 2014, 18:37:14 UTC
This was so perfect. *draws hearts around it* I just want Felicity to be happy and have someone appreciate her without angst or baggage. And this hits all the spots. As you said, it isn't the epic romance but that still doesn't mean that there isn't respect and caring and a different kind of love. I really like how you show they go in to this with their eyes open, work to to make it work, and find comfort in one another and no angst! They are so bloody cute together. I want this, lots of this. It should happen on the crossover.


musesfool October 15 2014, 01:25:13 UTC
Thank you so much! That's what I want for her too! I mean, I totally ship her with Oliver, but he's not going to be able to give her that, so why shouldn't she find it with someone else? Especially someone who is coming from a similar situation. Sigh.


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