[yossarian] was going to live forever, or die in the attempt

Jul 22, 2014 13:32

So I know that userscripts.org is down, but that doesn't mean a script I've already downloaded and implemented should stop working does it? And yet I can no longer save filters on AO3. That line is gone from the list of inputs on the right when I am in a tag. And using the "Search within results" field doesn't work with either the filter_ids number ( Read more... )

on archiving, memes, books, memes: books, tim o'brien, my life so hard

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Comments 9

stgulik July 22 2014, 17:48:22 UTC
"Strongly visceral negative response" - yes! That's how I feel about noncon fics. My visceral response is so strongly negative, it overshadows my imagination for a long time after. I will no longer mistreat myself by either reading or editing them.


musesfool July 22 2014, 21:02:09 UTC
You shouldn't if they affect you that way! I know how awful that can be.


quentin_shreve July 23 2014, 01:34:49 UTC
As you can tell by my LJ handle, my own list would share one of those books. It's my absolute favorite. (And I, too, did not become a Faulkner convert until college--although for me, it was sophomore year.)


musesfool July 23 2014, 16:55:45 UTC
I think Absalom, Absalom is the best American novel of the 20th century, but possibly I'm biased. *g*


tsuki_no_bara July 23 2014, 03:36:34 UTC
i remember a swiftly tilting planet being my favorite of that series, altho i can't for the life of me remember why. i'd have to read it again. (oh, what a hardship. :D altho i'd have to find it first.)


musesfool July 23 2014, 16:56:06 UTC
Because it has a UNICORN.


(The comment has been removed)

musesfool July 23 2014, 16:56:29 UTC
It really is. It's been a few years since I read it last. I should do a reread sometime soon.


elizardbits July 24 2014, 03:33:16 UTC
Did the script stop working in Chrome or Firefox? If Chrome, this is because of a shitty change in a recent update which automatically deletes all the scripts you have installed that didn't come directly from the Chrome store. IT'S SUCH BULLSHIT IM SO MAD

if it's firefox i have no idea omg


musesfool July 24 2014, 13:35:24 UTC
It was Firefox, but the real problem was Greasemonkey. I added the suggested text to the script and now it's working again.

That sucks about Chrome. Why do they always RUIN good things with updates?


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