deep as a secret nobody knows

Jan 31, 2014 11:58

1. I have a dental appointment tonight. Hopefully I will make it through the cleaning without having to stop and cough a lot. I plan to take some DayQuil right before I leave work and hope for the best ( Read more... )

otp: it'll be fun, tv: community, this is captain america calling, epic tragic century long love story, tv: elementary, chris evans' undeniable attractions, you should totally write that

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musesfool February 1 2014, 02:50:14 UTC


tsuki_no_bara February 1 2014, 03:50:55 UTC
i haven't been a fan of the little we've seen of natasha's cap 2 hair - it looks so flat! - but in that still it actually looks good. maybe i'm getting used to it, i don't know. i really like the length, anyway. and i can't wait for the movie.

i liked the case on elementary - i mean, tiny dinosaur! science! - but it felt like the episode was all about sherlock&randy (which i really, really liked) (because sherlock is a bad sponsor! but he's really trying to be a good one, and now he's starting to understand what joan used to do) and joan&sherlock, and i guess joan solving the case. the case itself seemed almost irrelevant. and i loved c, especially that she was an elegant older woman and sherlock wanted to know if he measured up in person but she didn't seem to care if she did or not. there was no judgement of her or him or their relationship - from any quarter - which was just fabulous.


musesfool February 2 2014, 02:43:17 UTC
Yeah, her hair has looked pretty awful, but in that pic it looks good, so hopefully in motion it will be fine.



the episode was all about sherlock&randy (which i really, really liked) (because sherlock is a bad sponsor! but he's really trying to be a good one, and now he's starting to understand what joan used to do) and joan&sherlock, and i guess joan solving the case.

*nod nod*

And it allowed Joan to mentor Sherlock a little about being a sponsor/dealing with an addict, which is something he can learn from her, the way she's learning investigation from him.


prunesquallormd February 3 2014, 19:44:57 UTC
Black Widow domming Captain America. I'd be all over that. *sigh*


musesfool February 4 2014, 22:02:53 UTC


spectralbovine February 5 2014, 03:23:20 UTC
that was some seriously mean revenge she took (not that she spoiled him, but that the girl strung him along all day like they were friends before she sold him out)
Oh, man. I figured that the girl had been into him for real, but then Britta took advantage of her and she chose money over Abed. But your way might make more sense and is meaner, I agree.


musesfool February 5 2014, 19:08:56 UTC
You're probably right. I just have the more cynical take on it. *hands*


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