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Comments 12

misachan October 9 2013, 18:10:43 UTC
Thrawn Trilogy! I'm so glad that's back in Yuletide this round after getting rejected last year. Amusing tics aside (everyone's hair shimmers!) I really enjoy Zahn's writing although I've only read his tie ins so far. I wish they'd chucked the script for Terminator: Salvation and just filmed his prequel.

Mara's always struck me as more like Natasha than Bucky, really, both groomed and manipulated from a young age until finally breaking free to make their own choices. She only bores me around Luke and that's more because I'm "Ugh, Luke" through most of the EU than any fault of hers. And I love her with Karrde.

(TOTALLY with you on Lady Vader.)


musesfool October 9 2013, 19:29:49 UTC
I've enjoyed the books, but yeah, he does have some tics.

Aw, I like Luke. He is significantly less whiny in the books so far, anyway.

Lady Vader is the best!


writingpathways October 9 2013, 19:28:42 UTC
Skye reminded me of Saffron this episode, playing the bad guy the way she did, while we the audience know she is the RISK everyone keeps saying she is -- they are being rather anvilly.

I find myself watching and thinking about beats/type of character/moments that Joss has done in all his past shows... this one feels like it's following some sort of Whedon outline right now and is not being what it SHEILD should be.


musesfool October 9 2013, 19:33:09 UTC
Heh. Sadly, I think it will be a while before this show pulls anything as twisty as Saffron.

Yeah, I think the Whedon connection is as much of a burden as it is a draw. I guess we'll see.


ibmiller October 10 2013, 16:53:07 UTC
Couldn't decide on my Wedge or my Dawn icons ( ... )


musesfool October 10 2013, 17:45:41 UTC
I don't recall much about The Last Command and haven't begun rereading it yet, but so far, the Katana fleet just seems like a mechanism for the action to happen, though I guess that could change in the third book.

I'd say Shield is leaning towards Burn Notice in the ensemble thing, rather than the fish-out-of-water/aching love story thing Chuck worked so well


The Chuck comparison is mostly in terms of Skye being new to a big spying operation. But yes, Burn Notice is the more likely sister show. Or an updated version of the A-Team except with more serialization.

I will be interested to see if the show is willing to give Shield the same kind of side-eye that it gave to Ian Quinn

I hope so! I feel like these shows need that - otherwise, Our Heroes are just working for The Man, and that is a lot harder to make sympathetic.

I think the problem is they really fluffed building the characters as people we care about in the pilot, and are only slowly building up to that, instead of trying to hit it hard and keep it there. That's ( ... )


ibmiller October 10 2013, 18:33:50 UTC
Well, I'll have to check back whenever you have time to read TLC. :) I admit that I've been a huge fan of Zahn's Star Wars books since I was about 13 or so, before I developed my literary style understanding. I see the problems now, but I still think he's pretty enjoyable.

It's even harder to take the heroes working for the Man (which I don't mind, really) when they're being judgy and self righteous towards other people working for other Men.

I really hope that Shield works up with the character stuff. Right now, it has fun actors and Whedon-y dialogue - which I'm a fan of, but there needs to be something of substance. And I hope it's soon. I don't watch much TV, and I really like Fitz Simmons, so I'll probably stick with the show for a long while, but I'd like it to be for more than potential.


musesfool October 12 2013, 00:03:13 UTC
I really hope that Shield works up with the character stuff. Right now, it has fun actors and Whedon-y dialogue - which I'm a fan of, but there needs to be something of substance. And I hope it's soon.

Yeah, me, too. I actually do watch a lot of TV and I'm always looking to drop things to free up time, so unless it improves in the next couple of episodes, I might have Tuesday nights free again.


innie_darling October 10 2013, 23:31:31 UTC
I just finished Rose Under Fire myself, and am interested to hear what you think of it.

Also, speaking of Chuck, I saw Zachary Levi's Broadway show First Date last night, and it was clunky and predictable but the whole cast was so damn charming I ended up liking it more than I should have.


musesfool October 11 2013, 23:49:56 UTC
I saw that Levi was on Broadway in something that sounded like it be cute but would probably turn out to be a disaster, so I'm glad it wasn't the debacle I imagined.

Rose Under Fire is on my list, but I have to read the books I've been impatiently waiting for first. *g*


exiled_mind October 11 2013, 00:00:33 UTC
I used to tear through the Star Wars EU novels, and would reread them regularly. Despite a drastic lack of free time, I now want to pull them out again. Thank a lot :p


musesfool October 11 2013, 23:50:23 UTC
There's always time for reading! Who needs sleep?


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