Look at you, you're growing old so young

Aug 14, 2013 14:10

I posted a story yesterday:

These Facts We've Mistaken for Our Lives (@ AO3)
Winter Soldier; Natasha (past Bucky/Natasha); pg; 2,590 words
They say you can't miss something you've never had, but Natasha knows they're wrong.This is a post-"Widow Hunt" not-really-a-fix-it, in terms of either Natasha's memory or her relationship with Bucky, but it is ( Read more... )

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, i should've been a librarian, black widow gotta regulate, books, comics: winter soldier, writing is hard!

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Comments 6

katie_m August 14 2013, 18:41:21 UTC
I was amused that you had Sam know Bucky was alive, too. Everything in one fell swoop! (Or has Sam finally canonically found that out?)


musesfool August 14 2013, 19:35:08 UTC
I don't think Sam knows canonically (which is a whole 'nother layer of irritation), but I figure once Steve is calling in Clint and Matt and Logan to help out, he's not going to keep Sam in the dark, you know?


spectralbovine August 14 2013, 19:37:29 UTC
What I'm reading next

Couldn't tell you.
What a strange and foreign condition to be in. I am like this with audiobooks, I guess, since I don't fit them into my reading schedule as tightly as regular books. Sometimes I know what I'm listening to next, but a lot of the time, I just see what the library has. I've got Unseen Academicals to listen to after I catch up on Welcome to Night Vale.

I've heard good things about Kate Elliott! I've added the Crossroads trilogy to my List, as it sounds more up my alley than the Spiritwalkers trilogy (sounds like that one is more romance-focused).


musesfool August 14 2013, 19:47:10 UTC
Well, usually I've got something from the library so that dictates my reading schedule, but when I don't, I just sort of scroll through everything I've got and decide what sounds good.

I haven't read the Crossroads trilogy, but I didn't think the Spiritwalkers trilogy was too romance-focused. I mean, it is in there, but to me, the major relationship was the one between Cat and Bee, who are best friends and cousins. Though admittedly, the romance tropes are kind of front-loaded.

Plus, it's a fascinating alternate universe where Rome lost at Carthage and the ice didn't recede as fully and things are vastly different.


tsuki_no_bara August 15 2013, 12:54:09 UTC
i'm right there with you on the ao3 tags. one of the things i really like about ao3 is the ability to put in ridiculous tumblr style tags. and if it doesn't affect the site loading, and it's not a pain for the mods/maintainers, why wouldn't you take advantage of it? y'know?

i never even heard of the spiritwalker trilogy and then i saw the comment where you mentioned it's set in an alternate history (rome loses! ice doesn't totally recede!) and that sounds like something i might like. i almost never know what i'm going to read after i finish the book i'm currently reading, so i really like that the wednesday reading meme offers interesting suggestions.


musesfool August 15 2013, 17:57:05 UTC
one of the things i really like about ao3 is the ability to put in ridiculous tumblr style tags. and if it doesn't affect the site loading, and it's not a pain for the mods/maintainers, why wouldn't you take advantage of it? y'know?

I agree, but then, I often thing the tags are the best part of tumblr. *hands*

And like I said, if you don't like them, you can either hide them or use them as an indicator that stories tagged with them will probably not be to your liking.

I recommend the Spiritwalker trilogy. It starts off a little slowly and with a lot of awkward exposition, but once it gets going, I really enjoyed it.


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