letting him know he's there

Jun 12, 2013 20:52

Since I don't go on tumblr at work, I miss out on EXCITING SET PICTURES from Captain America/Winter Soldier (I am already so spoiled for this movie it is not even funny, and I can't seem to care right now), but just before I left work this evening,
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two thirds of a threesome, otp: it'll be fun, this is captain america calling

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Comments 4

boofadil June 13 2013, 03:33:37 UTC
You were the first person I thought of when I saw those. Hee!


musesfool June 13 2013, 04:03:08 UTC
I've been shipping it a while now! I can work with undercover kissing!


katie_m June 13 2013, 08:33:16 UTC
Ahahaha I thought of you saying that this wasn't going to happen immediately.

I do kind of hope we don't get reunions red set pictures, I have to admit. Dilute the emotional hit. But you keep on using your powers for good!


musesfool June 13 2013, 18:15:51 UTC
I agree that I want them to keep some things under wraps, but I'm concentrating my little heart out about REUNION HUGS and shield badges on metal arms. *g*


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