here all the bombs fade away

May 06, 2013 13:33

I feel like I should have things to say about last night's Once Upon a Time, but after "The Miller's Daughter," which was such a great episode, I find my interest has begun to wane. I feel like what I want out of the show and what the show wants to be aren't really congruent. I dunno. They did some interesting stuff last night, but there was so ( Read more... )

movies: iron man, technology is not my friend, otp: i don't have anyone but you, tv: once upon a time, you should totally write that, movies

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Comments 10

tavella May 6 2013, 17:45:56 UTC
Oh, man, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm would be *awesome*. And there's absolutely no reason why they couldn't be half-siblings or one of them adopted, there's lots of blended families these days.


Re: musesfool May 6 2013, 18:08:23 UTC
*nod nod*

I really hope they cast him.

...I don't have a Vince icon from FNL. Huh.


jehnt May 6 2013, 19:15:37 UTC
I stopped watching Once Upon a Time shortly after the beginning of this season. I'll probably catch up at some point but it just wasn't very compelling. idk.

Huh. That idea re: the villain's plot makes sense. WHY didn't they make that clear in the movie? I mean... I think I'm not a dumb movie-watcher, and I came out with only the faintest of ideas what Killian was trying to do.

and I really want him and Rhodey to meet and be bros in their spangly uniforms

Umm yes.


musesfool May 7 2013, 01:44:37 UTC
WHY didn't they make that clear in the movie?

I don't know. It was mentioned, but it went by so quickly and they didn't really put it all together. It was only in reading other people's posts that I was able to put it together.


rei_c May 7 2013, 01:36:01 UTC
I might have to give that reader replacement a try. I've been experimenting with Feedly's nice and all? But I just do not like the mobile app one bit. So much of my Reader-reading is in bed or during meetings, on my smartphone, so a good app is essential and I'm starting to really resent Feedly's. Do you know off-hand if The Old Reader has an app?


musesfool May 7 2013, 01:45:42 UTC
I don't believe it does. The site itself was pretty easy to use on my phone, though.


alethialia May 7 2013, 19:50:44 UTC
Thanks for the Google Reader rec. I, too, am looking for a replacement, but the breadth of options is a bit daunting when I really just want something basic.


musesfool May 8 2013, 14:17:40 UTC
Yeah, I also wanted something really basic and also not tied to one computer, and Feedly required an app. It was free, but I can't always load things on my work computer, so that makes it not as useful for me.


heatherlayne_n May 8 2013, 12:06:47 UTC
I love the idea of Killian and Trevor being versions of Tony. Yes!

Rhodey and Steve being spangly bros! Yes!

Extremis!Pepper! YES!

Would you mind awfully posting links to other reviews you read? I love reviews, and since I can't afford to see IM3 again, it will make me feel a little bit like I'm watching it to read more about it.


musesfool May 8 2013, 14:19:14 UTC
norwich36 has collected a bunch here, though you can always read my LJ or DW flists - that is where I saw them all. They're either people I'm already reading or people those people linked to.


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