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Comments 18

kita0610 February 21 2013, 19:01:19 UTC
Yeah, I'm unclear why one line (with all due respect ma'am, G-d doesn't dress like that- paraphrase) has seemed to translate to fandom that he is a freaking Neocon. You can believe in a single G-d and still be a liberal. MANY OF US DO.


musesfool February 21 2013, 19:06:00 UTC
He's from the past, Kita! When men were men and women knew their place! Regardless of any of the actual circumstances of his life!


kita0610 February 21 2013, 19:08:17 UTC
I read a really cool thing somewhere about why he would probably also cuss like a motherfucking sailor. It made me happy.


musesfool February 21 2013, 19:34:00 UTC
Heh. Yeah, I think he curses when the situation calls for it - he was in the army after all - but not just in an every day casual way that you or I might.

There's a great panel from the comics where the Avengers are watching one of his propaganda films and Steve-on-screen says something threatening to the bad guys, and Steve in person leans over to Natasha and says, "That's not actually what I said," and when she asks what he really said, he says, "I can't repeat it in mixed company."


deaver February 21 2013, 19:07:06 UTC
As a Diana who always identified with WW, I fully support this pairing!!


musesfool February 21 2013, 20:23:19 UTC
Hee! It would be AMAZING.


bluejeans07 February 21 2013, 19:32:19 UTC
*cries* I want this Steve/Diana fic really, really badly now.


musesfool February 21 2013, 20:23:43 UTC
You and me both! Why is there not pages of it at AO3? WHY? *shakes fist at the universe*


redrikki February 21 2013, 20:22:16 UTC
Your Steve head!canon is nearly identical to my head!canon. Also, that he's seriously turned on by tough women. I mean, did you see his face when Peggy punched out that guy in basic? Steve and Diana would be infinately superior to the Diana/Clark bullshit DC has going now. Lois/Clark all the way, although I could see Diana/Lois too as a one time thing.


musesfool February 21 2013, 20:29:50 UTC
Exactly! It's also why I ship Steve/Natasha - his FACE when he launches her off his shield is 'AW YEAH BADASS LADIES.'

I also totally ship Lois/Clark (and let's be real, Lois/Clark/Bruce, at least in the DCAU), and refuse to acknowledge the Clark/Diana nonsense going on now, along with 99% of the reboot.


thistlerose February 21 2013, 23:03:18 UTC
I would read the hell out of that. As a comparatively new WW fan, I haven't been that impressed with any of her pairings (that I've read, anyway). She needs someone who, like herself, is not quite human. (And not Superman. I only know Supes from the Christopher Reeve movies, but come on. Clark/Lois Forever.)


musesfool February 25 2013, 03:16:44 UTC
I actually do ship her with Batman, but that is more from the JLU animated series. I'm not really a fan of Steve Trevor, and I really don't like WW/Superman, and not just because of Lois.

But crossover-wise, I want all the Captain America/Wonder Woman.


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