I'll never let you sweep me off my feet

Sep 22, 2011 10:27

Let's talk about the DC reboot.

I was curious and cautiously (stupidly) hopeful, so I got hold of Red Hood and the Outlaws, and ugh, I am so grossed out by what they're doing with Starfire that I can't even... *shudder* ( spoilers, if anyone cares )

comics: catwoman, comics: superboy, comics: blue beetle, comics: nightwing, comics: red hood & the outlaws, comics: batman and robin, just a typical prototype, comics: batwoman, comics, comics: wonder woman

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Comments 44

sistermagpie September 22 2011, 17:44:07 UTC
The thing with Kory is even if it turns out to be a plot point it doesn't change the skeeviness of her dynamic with Jason and Roy who would consider that plot point to just be a lucky break on their part. Grrr!


musesfool September 22 2011, 17:57:41 UTC
No, I agree, though I don't find it out of character for Jason to think he's putting one over on Dick by sleeping with his ex, but I'm also okay with a lot of Jason's less savory character traits. I don't mean I approve of them, but I accept that he has them. (I wouldn't have thought talking shit about women was one of them, but I've gotten so used to having to ignore canon about him that I can do that, too. Though this felt more like icky pre-tentacle!Jason than Red Hood or Lost Days Jason.)

If Dick and Roy are still supposed to be BFFs (and I guess Dick has already lost his other BFF since Wally is benched), Roy's attitude about it is a definitely skeevy.

I could easily come up with a scenario where they all had sex and it was all respectful and fun and friendly only just a little about Dick (so to speak), but that was not it.


sistermagpie September 22 2011, 18:04:28 UTC
Oh, I didn't think you were approving of them at all. I was just lamenting the fact that if this is the team-up the book is based around I can't see a way to make it not skeevy to me. It's like establishing right away that the guys are boneheads but the girl's a fembot so it's okay. Even if the girl turns out not to be a fembot, the guys originally liked her that way.


musesfool September 22 2011, 18:14:08 UTC
Yeah, it's just not a good way to portray your characters. I was excited about the possibilities of these three working together, but the whole thing is tainted now, not because they all had sex, but because of how they talk about her - it's not just the writer and the artist being gross and male-gaze-y, it's basically every single thing in the book.


silveronthetree September 22 2011, 17:54:15 UTC
Ugh. I'm still in so much denial about the Outlaws story because I just want my imaginary pretty, snarky team to exist and it doesn't. The more I think about it the more gross it is but I am so conflicted because I'd forgotten exactly how far gone I am on Jason.

I think the Kory/Kori has always been interchangable but Kory prevails online because it looks so much like Kon in lowercase, which could be confusing.

Roy really wasn't fleshed out enough to tell what he was like but nothing really struck me as wrong - archer + horndog + questionable life choices seems about right.

Superboy is the only other one that I've read and it was intriging enough but just not Kon.


musesfool September 22 2011, 18:04:58 UTC
but I am so conflicted because I'd forgotten exactly how far gone I am on Jason.

Right? He mostly felt like Jason to me, and ORGAN STEALING AHOY! But I feel like I'm going to be reading it holding my nose because of how gross it is re: Kory. Someone on scans_daily said that Lobdell didn't want her, that she was forced on him, and I guess he's going to just treat her like crap for as long as they let him.

it was intriging enough but just not Kon.

*nod nod*

Bruce is never going to be my favorite, but I liked both Batman and B&R, so you might like them, and it was nice to see Nightwing in action again, despite the lack of blue and fingerstripes.


silveronthetree September 22 2011, 18:21:41 UTC
Lobdell didn't want her, that she was forced on him, and I guess he's going to just treat her like crap for as long as they let him.

Ugh. That would be horribly petty.

Bruce is never going to be my favorite, but I liked both Batman and B&R, so you might like them, and it was nice to see Nightwing in action again, despite the lack of blue and fingerstripes.

That's good to hear since I've already paid for them! I assumed that I'd like Batman despite Bruce since Snyder is writing but had no expectations about the others. I guess I'll see on Saturday.


musesfool September 22 2011, 18:54:12 UTC
Ugh. That would be horribly petty.

It would be! And it's attributing malice to what is likely just unconscious and unexamined misogyny on his part, but ugh. I am so unhappy about it!

I assumed that I'd like Batman despite Bruce since Snyder is writing

Yeah, it was his name on it that made me decide to try it.


redfiona99 September 22 2011, 17:56:56 UTC
I thought we'd been promised a Wonder Woman film. Or were they lying to me again?

Although to my undying shame, I will be the first in line to Ghost Rider 2.


musesfool September 22 2011, 18:09:39 UTC
Not a live-action one. There was a Joss Whedon project that was scuttled, and there was a David E. Kelley tv show with Adrianne Palicki as Diana that didn't get picked up (thank god, because it looked awful), and that's it. Everyone once in a while the internet kicks up a Gina Torres should play Wonder Woman meme, but that's it.


brynnmck September 22 2011, 18:06:05 UTC
I'm so disappointed to hear that they're wasting Kory so thoroughly in that book--that was one of the very few I was actually looking forward to. Sigh.

FWIW, I think I saw something on scans_daily involving Renee? Unless it was a flashback or something.

possibly the knowledge that even shitty superhero movies about men get sequels (Punisher, that Nic Cage flaming skull guy movie) and we're rebooting Superman and Spider-Man YET AGAIN, while we still can't get a Wonder Woman movie or anything that's really about female superheroes at all.SERIOUSLY. This is actually part of the reason I'm giving Batgirl and BoP a shot (though obviously I understand your decision not to, and that's the stance much of my flist seems to be taking), because I think at this point, the fact that I do want to read and support comics that feature women is at least slightly outweighing my rage and frustration at the way they've been messed with in the reboot. But it's a Scylla and Charybdis kind of thing, and I really resent being in that position in the first ( ... )


musesfool September 22 2011, 18:52:38 UTC
I think I saw something on scans_daily involving Renee? Unless it was a flashback or something.

There have been dribs and drabs - she's back on the force, she's going to appear in unexpected ways, etc. - but nothing definitive except her photograph on the wall in Batwoman. We can hope, right?

the fact that I do want to read and support comics that feature women is at least slightly outweighing my rage and frustration at the way they've been messed with in the reboot.

I totally understand that! It's why I bought Steph's Batgirl run in trade and would have probably moved to getting it digitally legally if it still existed. But you're right - it's a shitty dilemma to have, and I resent it so much.


dotificus September 22 2011, 20:17:42 UTC
Did you get #0 of Batwoman? I got #1 and thought the art was jaw-droppingly gorgeous, but the story a bit confusing. Esp. for this big Bring New Fans to Our Table of Comic-y Goodness relaunch. And then yesterday, my comics guy told me about #0, so I bought it, but haven't had a chance to read.

I was surprised the new Wonder Woman was more of a horror comic.

I also bought the new BB, because of YOU.

You are with me, Vic. All the time. Now bake me a cake.


musesfool September 22 2011, 20:33:07 UTC
Hmm... you know, I don't think I have read Batwoman 0. Though I read Batwoman: Elegy (her run in Detective, by Greg Rucka), which was FANTASTIC, and the art really is gorgeous, but hard to parse. I would recommend it.

but the story a bit confusing. Esp. for this big Bring New Fans to Our Table of Comic-y Goodness relaunch.

Everything about this relaunch is confusing to me. Batman canon remains as is, but everybody is a different (younger) age, but Superman and Superboy are completely different! Like, how is Tim's time in the Teen Titans (woo! alliteration!) canon if Superboy wasn't there? Was there no Young Justice at all? Where's Bart and Cassie? Cass was still Batgirl after Barbara but Steph wasn't Robin and wasn't Spoiler and didn't get tortured to death by Black Mask? Oracle never ran the Birds of Prey? NOTHING MAKES SENSE!

I was surprised the new Wonder Woman was more of a horror comic.

It actually makes sense to me if she's dealing with the gods all the time.

I also bought the new BB, because of YOU. I would recommend ( ... )


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