if we had a place to stand

Nov 26, 2010 17:55

Two quick heads-up(s?) for you:

= that new Young Justice cartoon debuts tonight on Cartoon Network at 7 pm ET, though apparently it won't be on regularly until January.

= the good folks at
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tv: miscellaneous, pimping, tv: atla

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Comments 5

silveronthetree November 26 2010, 23:38:12 UTC
new Young Justice cartoon debuts tonight

Ooh! I'd forgotten that was today. Hopefully I'll be able to get hold of it at some point over the weekend.

More Robin ♥


musesfool November 26 2010, 23:56:36 UTC
I only remembered 'cause the AV Club review came up on my Google reader. The review was positive, at least. *g* I'm sure I'll post about it.

More Robin ♥

Seriously! wee 13yo Robin, even.


writingpathways November 27 2010, 03:55:38 UTC
I just finished Season 3. OMG. Sokka had a SPACE SWORD!!!!!! All I have to say for now. Not sue how I feel about Azula's ending.


musesfool November 27 2010, 20:53:46 UTC
SPACE SWORD! Man, I love that episode so much. &SOKKA;

Azula's ending is hard because she's so awesome and you know she has to lose, but the symbolism of her going crazy carries so much outside baggage with it, so it doesn't quite work the way they wanted it to, I think.


writingpathways November 28 2010, 04:48:15 UTC
I know! Sokka, sigh. He is LOVE!

Yeah the Azula story didn"t quite work how they wanted you are right.


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