and every stranger's face i see

Jul 07, 2010 12:48

They gave me a new PC at work today, and more importantly, they gave me a huge-ass wide-screen monitor, which is big enough to use as a television set. I am not even joking ( Read more... )

memes: 30 days of tv, that sam-i-am, tv: friday night lights, tv: west wing, writing: my stories, otp/shipping

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Comments 11

zillah975 July 7 2010, 17:08:35 UTC
And Walter would be ALL OVER it. He’d be like, "Give me a week, and I will reverse engineer a vaccine from the antibodies in your blood! Time travel? Of course I’ll go along for it! I scoff at the laws of biochemistry and physics!"

I want this like cake! LIKE CAKE! *waits patiently*

Also, I love your thoughts on this terrific story. And I envy how clearly you think about the emotional component; I need to ponder that some.


musesfool July 8 2010, 01:04:09 UTC
Heh. I don't guarantee it, but I think it could be fun. And the emotional component is pretty much the only one I ever have a handle one, and not even that, all the time. Heh.


eponin10 July 7 2010, 17:16:26 UTC
So now I want to write an AU of this story where she’s like, "I can’t help, but you should track down Dr. Walter Bishop." And Walter would be ALL OVER it. He’d be like, "Give me a week, and I will reverse engineer a vaccine from the antibodies in your blood! Time travel? Of course I’ll go along for it! I scoff at the laws of biochemistry and physics!"

Oh gods. I want this!


musesfool July 8 2010, 01:05:14 UTC
Heh. I think it could be a lot of fun.


florahart July 7 2010, 17:36:50 UTC
I am now curious what constitutes a monitor big enough to use as a TV. I mean, the TV I watch the most is (slightly) smaller than my primary home monitor, which is ...not a flatscreen, if that gives you any idea. (monitor: 15 inches; TV: 13 inches, both 4:3 aspect ratio).



musesfool July 8 2010, 01:07:08 UTC
Well, my actual TV is 27", this monitor is probably 22".


writingpathways July 7 2010, 18:00:08 UTC
Serenity is the best ship!


musesfool July 8 2010, 01:07:18 UTC
It is!


writingpathways July 7 2010, 18:14:46 UTC
I love the Fringe/SPN crossover idea :-)


musesfool July 8 2010, 01:08:15 UTC
I think it would be fun.


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