lacrimae volvuntur inanes

Nov 19, 2009 23:47

Supernatural: Abandon All Hope

Okay, so I tried to do a rant section and a non-rant section of this post, but the ranty stuff kept intruding. So while I really liked many aspects of this episode, the rage kept intruding. Just so you know.

Go fuck yourself, Kripke. And Edlund. And the rest of you misogynist fucks on the writing staff. With walnuts.

Okay, so every recurring woman on the show (except Becky, whom I hope we never see again) is now dead. Not only did Ellen and Jo die, they were immolated, sacrificing themselves to save Sam and Dean. And Meg, though not exorcised, was also set on fire by Clarence the impotent sap. (Hee! Clarence! Finally! Also, Huggy Bear! Hee!)

All the women of the town were murdered first. No wonder they set the story in Carthage. Very clever, Edlund.

I am so weary of this shit. I would like to be able to talk about the episode on its own merits, because I thought it was a fantastic episode emotionally and a great way to go into hiatus, but I am SO FUCKING SICK of the way this show treats female characters. I can't even get angry, because I knew it was going to happen. I mean, I didn't know in that I was actually spoiled, but as soon as I saw that "TWO WILL DIE" promo, I knew it had to be Jo and Ellen, because god forbid the show kill one of the white male recurring characters. Horrors! Can't have any of the recurring white men die and stay dead! That's what women are for! Women can't be heroes and live! They can only be heroes by sacrificing and dying for their menfolk!

If the show didn't have the attitude that the only good woman is a dead woman, if I could take the episode on its own merits, I'd say it was a really strong episode - Mark Pellegrino is kind of awesome as Lucifer. I really liked his speech to Castiel (why couldn't HE have died? Come on Lucifer? Do something useful for once in your miserable existence!) and then again to Sam - he's a persuasive son of a bitch, knows all the right buttons to push. I'm kind of sad he didn't call Death Samael, or Azrael, as I believe those are the names of the angel of death. But of course, the women aren't even part of the ritual to save him. They just have to be slaughtered like cattle.

I want an icon of that photograph (with Castiel cropped out, of course). It was Sam and Dean's family now, so of course, the women are all dead.

I am disturbed by the "Anti-God is Anti-American" sign in the background. Also, what exactly are they trying to say with that? There's been an American flag in every episode so far this season. That's weird.

Mark Sheppard is Crowley and Crowley is... recognizably Crowley (I kind of loved the shot of the intricate highway exchange! That was a total homage! he's in SALES, you guys! Crowley!), even if he didn't have a Bentley and they didn't use any Queen on the soundtrack. We got Santana and Aaron Neville, and I can't complain about that - great songs, both of 'em. Also, I love that he's apparently got his own agenda. He must have known the gun wouldn't kill Lucifer, but his attitude was what I was hoping for from the Trickster. I would imagine we'll be seeing him again. I mean, clearly there's more to his story, especially the way Meg reacted to his name.

Meg! I love Meg! So of course she gets set on fire, too. SHOW, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SET THE CHARACTERS I DON'T LIKE ON FIRE! I hope she comes back and fries his angel ass.


And, you know, I get why Ellen stayed - Jo's her baby, and she didn't want to live if her daughter died - it's why John traded himself for Dean. Parents shouldn't bury their children - it's not the natural order of things. And if this were any other show, any show where the gender issues weren't so up in my face, I would accept it. I mean, I'd be heartbroken and devastated and emotionally wrung out and probably a little angry, because I love Jo and especially Ellen, and Jo got to be SUPER AWESOME in this episode, but I'd probably be pleased with the storytelling, that they finally did something to move the story along, and did it in such an emotionally wrenching way. But because it's "KILL THE BITCHES" SPN, I'm all of that and sickened by it too.

And I haven't even touched on Sam and Dean here, and Dean's little dig and Sam's response, Sam finally grasping the idea that BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN THEY SPLIT UP - END OF THE WORLD BAD. I thought Jensen and Jared both brought their A games and I swear to fucking god, these deaths had better resonate throughout the rest of the season, because Ellen and Jo paid the last full measure of devotion and it turned out to be meaningless, and that is just really fucking heartbreaking.

I can't - that scene was so beautifully done, and yet Ellen didn't have to die. I just... the idea of Jo and Ellen out there hunting made me so happy, and now this. I have to go cry again now.


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