schlemiel, schlimazel, hasenpfeffer incorporated!

Nov 05, 2009 23:05

I did have things to say about Bones, but I don't remember what most of them were. ( spoilers )

tv: supernatural: links, tv: supernatural: episode-related, tv: bones

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Comments 40

kita0610 November 6 2009, 04:12:11 UTC
OMG she was TINA! Holy shit, thank you. It was driving me crazy. She did not age well. :/

I kind of ship Booth/Wendell. I blame that AU ep where Wendell was all "BOSS" with the chest pump. And then when Booth said "I listen to Wendell," tonight? Ah, too bad Booth is straighter than the king of Straightonia.

In not news, Jesus, how does Dave look so damned hot in a tie? not watch SPN. *g*

PS- "back when Spike was an interesting character"- ha! <3


musesfool November 6 2009, 04:34:41 UTC
Yeah, I was like, Tracy Middendorf... why do I know that name? Where have I seen her? and since it was irritating me while they were interrogating her, I looked her up on imdb. *g*

Aw, I don't really see Booth as slashy, but Booth/Wendell could be cute.

"back when Spike was an interesting character"- ha! <3

I have Spike issues. I'm aware of this. *g*


kita0610 November 6 2009, 04:39:46 UTC
Aw, I don't really see Booth as slashy, but Booth/Wendell could be cute.

I know! He's really really not. He's like negative on the Kinsey Scale. It makes me sad.

I have Spike issues. I'm aware of this. *g*

S'cool. I'm right there with you, Sparky.

I am liking B/B more and more and more and- when he said, so casually "I'd die for you" I was like AHHHHH!!!! Because hi, that's been a kink since Angel. *sigh* Oh, Dave.


musesfool November 6 2009, 04:59:58 UTC
I know! He's really really not. He's like negative on the Kinsey Scale. It makes me sad.

It happens every once in a while. Frank Pembleton. Toby Ziegler. The occasional unslashable.

I am liking B/B more and more and more and- when he said, so casually "I'd die for you" I was like AHHHHH!!!!

I know! And just so... matter-of-fact about it. ♥


leavingslowly November 6 2009, 04:15:40 UTC
I agree with every single point you made. The retconning of the Trickster really pissed me off. Don't we have enough angels running around on screen? They could've have used their brains to find an intelligent way to make the Trickster work as he was?

And the exposition - maybe I'd be okay with it if they told me something new, but no, they continue to tell me things I already know! Good grief. Start a new refrain, Kripke!


musesfool November 6 2009, 04:35:48 UTC
I wouldn't have even minded if in this episode, it was an angel masquerading as the Trickster, but to have made him Gabriel all along is annoying.

And the exposition - maybe I'd be okay with it if they told me something new, but no, they continue to tell me things I already know!

Heh. Yeah. We've kind of had this whole Dean=Michael, Sam=Lucifer thing going on in one way or another since s2.


percysowner November 6 2009, 04:30:57 UTC
but are we meant to take it as canon that if Sam hadn't been born, John and Mary would still be alive? Mary made the deal, so she would have had to have given up something in 1983. I'm just saying.

Yes, this episode stated it outright. Sam=Satan. He is evil. No on should ever have liked the character ever. If Sam had never been born the world would be perfect. Dean will kill Sam, feel good about it and ride off into the sunset happily ever after with Castiel, who will be kind and make sure that Dean remembers being an only son and Sam will be wiped from the face of the earth. Yes, I'm bitter, sorry for exploding here, but honestly.

As for MS, I think that Gabriel had 2 goals. One was to stop Sam from trying to save Dean, because if he saves Dean there will be no Apocalypse and Gabriel wants the Apocalypse. The second was to start breaking Sam emotionally so that he would be half insane after Dean died and susceptible to any influence that would push him toward breaking the final seal, again because Gabriel wants the Apocalypse.


musesfool November 6 2009, 04:42:23 UTC
I think that was more Gabriel trying to force a wedge between Sam and Dean again, but since neither of them understands Japanese, they don't know what was being said. I also think the writers were dumb for phrasing the question that way.

The second was to start breaking Sam emotionally so that he would be half insane after Dean died and susceptible to any influence that would push him toward breaking the final seal,

Well, he achieved that part, because post-Mystery Spot Sam was batshit. *pets Sammy*


lilacsigil November 6 2009, 10:57:02 UTC
But the question was specifically about an opinion "Do you think that..." rather than "is it true that..." and Dean answered with a strong "I think that..." connotation, rather than stating anything. (Yay for too many years of Japanese!) So I think it's implying that Dean may actually think that his parents would be alive if Sam hadn't been born, but it's not a matter of great importance to him.


musesfool November 6 2009, 14:17:05 UTC
Was it? Because it was translated in the subtitles as "Would..." not "Do you think..." I don't speak Japanese, so I have to rely on the subtitles, and it wasn't phrased as an opinion, and his answer was, I believe, translated as "Yes." (I rechecked the subtitle on the question, but was typing and didn't really pay close attention the second time to the subtitles for his answer.)


mz_bstone November 6 2009, 04:31:41 UTC


musesfool November 6 2009, 04:32:57 UTC
Not in SPN. He's already been on the show and he wasn't an archangel, though he is often considered to be one in the non-fictional world.


mz_bstone November 6 2009, 04:50:31 UTC
What I wanna know is, where are the Thrones, Powers and Seraphim in all this? I can't see them letting the angels get so damned uppity.


musesfool November 6 2009, 04:58:28 UTC
I think that is way too complicated for these writers to handle.


ulkis November 6 2009, 04:38:45 UTC
I do not like the retcon that the Trickster was always Gabriel - I had him pegged as Zachariah when he was all, "PLAY YOUR ROLES" but I love the Trickster myth and I want a Trickster on the show.

Me either, but I am more irritated that Gabriel is emo. Hopefully next time we see him he will be less emo. I was hoping that the Trickster was actually hiding Sam and Dean in tv world, so they coudn't be posessed and he could go on as usual.

I was thinking Dean is already Michael too. Either that or the writers don't know quite what to do with Michael yet.


musesfool November 6 2009, 04:58:01 UTC
I don't mind Gabriel being emo. Let's see, Anna was the bohemian daughter who left to have sex and chocolate, Uriel was the son who went bad because Daddy exiled the older brother he worshiped, Raphael is angry and having his violent rebel phase, Zachariah is all, Daddy's gone and I'm in charge now, Castiel is all, I'ma go find Daddy so he can punish you and make everything better (typical younger sibling), and Lucifer is all, I'm gonna make Dad pay for what he did to me! So it makes sense to me that Gabriel is the jokester middle son who never got enough attention and is tired of the family drama.

Now we just need to see responsible older sibling Dean Michael who is tired of trying to keep them all in line while Daddy's gone. *g*

I was hoping that the Trickster was actually hiding Sam and Dean in tv world, so they coudn't be posessed and he could go on as usual

That would have been cool.

I was thinking Dean is already Michael too. Either that or the writers don't know quite what to do with Michael yet.

*nod nod*


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