Man, that rain last night was epic - I am talking raining sideways and being soaked mid-thigh on down, despite my jacket and umbrella. I got home and took a hot hot hot shower, made myself some chicken rice soup, and sat in front of the tv for a few hours like a slack-jawed yokel. Then I went to bed
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Comments 30
I do love it when Castle's at home with his family. And those two cops. Unfortunately I think the female lead could be better. I know she's supposed to be the straight man, but I think she could use a little more personality to keep from getting bowled over in every scene with anyone.
I think the female lead could be better. I know she's supposed to be the straight man, but I think she could use a little more personality to keep from getting bowled over in every scene with anyone.
*nod nod*
They need to flesh her out a little more.
Castle is kind of fun, though I wish Castle himself was a little less of a Gary Stu sometimes, of course he can shoot awesomely well too! But Fillion's fun, and I really like Castle's daughter and mother and all their interactions. It's really nice to see a young teenager on tv who's as well adjusted and emo-free as that kid :) Beckett needs a little more background. I like her, but she's still not really there as a 3 dimensional character a lot of the time, though it's always cool to see her in action. And yeah, I don't think anyone really watches for the crime solving part of the show XD
See, I feel like this episode was a fine finale in that it wrapped things up etc. I am afraid next week's episode will end with some huge cliffhanger, and if it doesn't get renewed, we'll never know what happens!
though I wish Castle himself was a little less of a Gary Stu sometimes
yeah, me, too. I was annoyed when he was able to shoot, though I expected it. And yeah, I really like his relationship with his mother and his daughter - they're doing that part right.
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