let it all just slip away

Jul 09, 2007 21:27

I was going to post a bitchy rant, but then I decided that wouldn't really make me feel any better, so I'm just going to answer questions instead.

wildestranger asked:

1. What do you think/guess are the 'deathly hollows'?

I don't know! I would like it to have something to do with the Department of Mysteries and the Veil, but maybe it has to do with Godric's Hollow. Or possibly the cemetery where James and Lily are buried?

2. If you could save one person from HP from death, who would it be?

Um, I'd save Sirius, definitely. Or Lily. But of people who aren't already dead? Ron. Or Arthur. Or McGonagall.

3. If you could show only one place in NY to a visitor, what would it be?

Oh, man, so hard. Um. Central Park, maybe? It's kind of an awesome green, quiet space right in the middle of the city, with a lake and a zoo and stuff.

4. If you had to live one week in the body (with all the abilities) of a scifi heroine, who would it be?

Princess Leia. She's got the Force and she's got Han Solo. So she narrowly beats out Zoe Washburne.

5. Who deserves to be smacked more, Lana Lang or Clark Kent? *g*

Lana, just because I like Clark, in all his dopeyness, but I loathe Smallville Lana with the heat of ten thousand suns.


merryish asked:

1) If you could make your favorite writer write you the perfect Supernatural story, the one that would hit all your buttons and make you read it and reread it over and over again forever -- what would that story be like? Plot, tone, subject matter, buttons, the works...

Oh, man, that's hard. Dean would have sex with a woman in it, possibly Cordelia, so there could be a lot of snarking before, during and after. Possibly it would be a threesome with Sam involved as well. But no! Probably the perfect story would involve a case that let both Dean and Sam be smart and competent, there would be little kids involved somehow so Dean could be awesome with them, Dean would have to get indignant about something, there would be vibing but no overt Wincest, with some face or neck or shoulder touching, or possibly hair ruffling, a lot of brotherliness and banter, and some really awesome emoporn where Sam comes to realize how AWESOME Dean really is. It would make me laugh and cry - possibly at the same time. Possibly Dean would get some parental validation, as well, somehow.

2) The three most important people in your life -- who are they, and why are they important? Names aren't necessary if you don't want to give them -- name the relationship instead if you want!

Man, I can't separate out family members, so 1. would be my immediate family - parents, siblings, nieces and nephews.

2. would be a certain coterie of "internet" friends - there are five or six people I don't think I'd do very well without, even the ones I don't speak to as much any more.

3. fleurdeleo, who I've known for, god, nearly ten years now, and who has become one of my closest friends - she puts up with my crazy obsessions, lets me pimp her into tv shows she'd otherwise never watch, goes for margaritas at the drop of a hat, and is generally an awesome friend.

3) When you're having a rotten day, tell me some things that could automatically make it better.

Dean Winchester showing up at my door.

Um, if you meant things that could actually happen, well, ice cream is always good. I can't stay too down if I've got ice cream, some friends to chat with on AIM, "Thunder Road" on repeat on my iPod, and some dvds to play - Sports Night or maybe Ocean's 11, or certain episodes of Firefly or SPN, or, if I need the really big guns, Say Anything, The Sure Thing, or The Princess Bride. Or The Philadelphia Story.

4) Of all the characters you've loved across all your fandoms, which one would you most want to have in your life in some capacity - and why?

Xander Harris. Because even with all his flaws, he's a good friend, he's loyal and caring and he'll always have your back even when he thinks you're wrong. Plus, he knows how to fix stuff and would be willing to open jars and kill bugs and he'd be awesome to sit around with and watch dvds and geek out.

5) What's your dream job? Why?

Is there a way to get paid to read and write fanfic? And I don't mean tie-in novels, either. *g* When one of you wins the lottery, you'll be my patron so I can stay home and do that, right?

Um, I really loved meeting planning, except for the going on site and having to deal with the attendees, so I think if I could do something where I planned functions - meetings, receptions, dinners, etc., but didn't have to really do any attendee wrangling, either before or during the function, where I could sit in the back with the hotel contact or something, that'd be awesome. I did love doing food and beverage, and picking out hotels and doing site visits and stuff. It was the horror of dealing with the attendees that finally broke me. Well, and the travel. There was a lot of travel, but not the fun kind where you get to see things in new places. The kind where you spent all day from 6am to 11pm in stuffy hotel rooms while people complained it was too cold, too expensive, they didn't have the right equipment for their presentation etc.


scarlet_avatar asked:

1. Who is your favourite music band ever?

It's a tie between Bruce Springsteen and u2, I think, with Pearl Jam in a very strong second place.

2. What's your worst habit?

Staying up way past when I should be in bed, reading or writing fanfic.

3. Curiosity killed the cat?

That's fine by me. I don't like cats.

4. Just how awesome is Dean Winchester?


5. (going with the cliche here) You can only take 3 things with you to a deserted island - what are they?

My iPod, full of music and episodes of television shows, a crate full of books to read, and Dean Winchester. *g*


storydivagirl asked:

1. What is the *thing* that makes you fannish about a show rather than just enjoying it?

I honestly can't tell you. There are sources I'm terribly fannish about and heavily emotionally invested in that I've never really felt the need to do more than write one or two stories in, or that I've got no ideas for stories. It's generally a relationship that'll ping for me, best friends with the possibility of becoming lovers is a big one, or best friends who know each other so well you can't believe they aren't already together, an us-against-the-world vibe...

2. If you could only read one pairing for the rest of time, which would it be and why?

Um. Man. I've always read more widely than I've written, and despite my OTP tendencies, I like a lot of pairings, so I'm not sure I could pick one. I mean, I'm tempted to say Remus/Sirius, because I'm pretty sure there will always be some being written, and it often contains other pairings I like. I'm tempted to say Xander/Oz, because that's my comfort fic pairing, like a favorite pair of pajamas, but there isn't enough to last the rest of time and probably never will be. Mal/Serenity? Dean/Impala? I'd say Dean/girl!Sam, but I'm sure I'd sometimes like Sam to be a boy, and sometimes I'd like gen, so can I say Dean/women of the multiverse? Because that never gets old.

3. Do you think politics and religion should be brough into fanfiction? Why or why not?

I think any story written to an overt religious or political agenda is not one I generally want to read. (Theodore Dreiser, I'm looking at you!), but if it flows from the characters and their personalities, and is handled in a way that is true to them - stories about Mal's loss of faith are awesome, for example - then yeah, I think it's all right. In some fandoms - West Wing, for example - if you want to be true to the source, you're going to have to eventually brush up against them. Like anything else, it's all about the skill of the writer.

4. Do you find that your style of writing changes with fandoms?

Yeah, I think there was a marked change between XMM and HP, probably passing through Smallville was part of it, and part of it was the characters I was writing - Remus is very repressed and "No strong emotions, please, I'm British," and learning to deal with that meant that I learned to tone down my penchant for melodrama (Sirius, otoh, is a big fat drama queen, god love him), so that my stories went from having big shouted "I love yous!" in the rain to someone handing someone else the perfectly made cup of coffee and an insult as a term of endearment as the declaration of love.

5. If you could be given proof that God exists, would you want it - why or why not?

Huh. On the one hand, yeah, definitely - I'd like to know, because I like knowing things. On the other hand, I'm not sure knowing would make things any easier.


flambeau asked:

1, SPN: what's your favorite episode of s1 and of s2? Details, please. :)

Season 1, I think it has to be Faith, because I really liked what we learned there - that Dean is not willing to buy his own life with someone else's, that he's willing to accept death if it comes for him, that Sam is willing to do anything and everything to keep him alive, and not feel bad about it afterwards. I also love the connection Dean makes with Layla, and how he can't save her, and the way he reaches out to her at the end, and offers to pray. Given what he learn about him later on, that's especially powerful and poignant to me. As a second choice, and a standalone, just for kick-ass-ness, The Benders is pretty freaking awesome.

Season 2, Nightshifter, and I was going to say hands down, and before What Is and What Should Never Be, it would have been, even above In My Time of Dying, but WIaWSNB gives Nightshifter and IMToD a seriously strong run for their money. But mostly Nightshifter, because it's just tension being ratcheted up on all sides, and the ending is awesome, because seriously? They are so screwed, and they know it, and watching that being borne in upon them is heartbreaking and fantastic.

2, Are you a person who plans meals in advance and does weekly shopping? If so, how do you manage, and can you teach the skill to others?

Bwah! No. I am a person who orders take out and eats it for three days in a row, or, like this evening, has ice cream for dinner.

3, Which stage of the creative process do you like best: getting an idea, doing the actual writing, doing the editing, or sitting back once you've posted and going phew?

I really like writing and editing, once the writing is flowing. I enjoy it a lot, can get lost in it for hours. Getting started is hard sometimes, or pushing through the hard parts, but when it's flowing? There's nothing like it.

4, What's your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Sleeping late, reading, watching dvds, maybe going swimming, writing, having a nice meal with friends, maybe going to a concert or a movie at night.

5, Does Dean like Bruce Springsteen?

Dean respects Springsteen, and likes some of his songs, mostly because I think John liked Springsteen (mostly, I think, because Mary liked Springsteen), and for Dean, he's kind of in that same "Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Neil Young" category, where they're not Dean's favorites, but he understands the impact they've had on music and he likes some of their songs ("Born to Run," obviously, and "Promised Land" and "Prove It All Night," and even "Thunder Road"), but he's not too into any of the stuff after Born in the USA.


Wow, that took a really long time.

I really should try to write now.


memes: fannish, genghis khan could bring it on

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