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Comments 61

maveness March 6 2007, 19:57:22 UTC
Well, and this is me and my logic talking, so netiquette may dictate otherwise, but if it takes you leaving feedback for them to prompt them to leave feedback for you (that is not on the story for which they have decided to feedback), then you are not required to respond. (Granted, if it's long feedback and it was something you posted in the last 24 hours, I'd say differently, that responding would be okay. But if it's been days or weeks and they pop up then with "Yours was awesome also!" then there's no need to do the obligatory "thank you".


musesfool March 6 2007, 20:51:29 UTC
No, it's never long feedback. It's always, "Oh, I really like your stories!" so sometimes I say thank you and sometimes I just let it go.


reposoir March 6 2007, 20:00:20 UTC
Hm, actually, I get those sorts of comments not infrequently too. Sometimes I respond with a vague sort of "Ah, I had no idea" comment, and sometimes I don't respond at all.


musesfool March 6 2007, 20:52:00 UTC
Yeah, I've mostly been saying thank you, sometimes I don't, and I feel weird either way.


marginalia March 6 2007, 20:02:59 UTC
it's not even my 'verse! but... and i know i keep saying this... i do have more to write there. i reread all of mine this weekend and missed it SO MUCH. and, unlike a lot of the stuff of mine i reread, i didn't -hate- it.


musesfool March 6 2007, 20:53:00 UTC
But you're the only one I know, so you're the only one I can poke!


marginalia March 6 2007, 20:53:47 UTC
okay, good point :)


musesfool March 6 2007, 22:32:10 UTC


inksheddings March 6 2007, 20:05:24 UTC
What do you do when you leave feedback and in response, the person says, "And I love your work as well" or "I owe you feedback! I loved [X] story so much!"?

I say thank you. I don't think you need to feel weird about it, because the other person brought it up, and you are just being polite in return. It's an all-around good thing, in my opinion. :)


musesfool March 6 2007, 21:02:07 UTC
I know. but it feels kind of like hijacking their feedback area to answer my own. I have a lot of issues with people posting non-feedback on story posts in my LJ, and that carries over into me trying not to do that in other people's LJs.


inksheddings March 6 2007, 21:24:58 UTC
Maybe I'm confusing things. I assumed you meant the author who's fic you're commenting on is the person who then says "I love your work too!"

Did you mean someone totally unrelated, just kinda jumping in there? Because yeah, that would be awkward.

I guess it's just always a good rule of thumb to do whatever makes you comfortable, or the least uncomfortable.


musesfool March 6 2007, 21:44:04 UTC
No, you're correct. I give feedback to someone, and they respond with, "Thanks! I really love your stories too!" and I feel weird.

I guess it's just me.


bethbethbeth March 6 2007, 20:10:06 UTC
What do you do when you leave feedback and in response, the person says, "And I love your work as well" or "I owe you feedback! I loved [X] story so much!"?

I say "Oh, thank you" and I totally don't feel like a tool, because you know, whenever I write a comment like that, it's because I was too lazy to give the person feedback when I read somebody's very nice story, and now they're in my LJ and yay (in other words, don't feel bad about cluttering up their journal with your thank you because you've just made it easier for them to be a little tiny bit lazy)


vaznetti March 6 2007, 20:24:41 UTC
I agree with this -- I do the "Oh, I meant to tell you that I loved story X" thing all the time, and although I don't expect a response, it's always nice just to get the simple "Thanks!"

Sometimes the conversation moves on from there -- back in the days of email feedback, this is how I met a number of my current fannish friends -- but it doesn't need to.


musesfool March 6 2007, 21:43:01 UTC
See, in email that feels fine. I guess I just feel weird about other people's comments when it's a story post.


musesfool March 6 2007, 21:32:08 UTC
I guess because I almost never comment like that, I'm always bemused when someone does it to me.


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