turn it on and off at will

Jan 02, 2007 16:34

It's January, which means, in the wake of seasonal fic exchanges, a young fangirl's thoughts turn to the crack of ash on horsehide Remix.

There are going to be some changes this year, including an increase in the number of stories per fandom one needs to participate - as of this year, to participate, one will need five (5) stories of at least 500 words in at least one (1) fandom to participate.

I'll talk about the other changes later, when I've got a firmer grasp on how it's going to go.

Here's a list of tentative dates, though. I want as little deadline conflict as possible, and I want people to have as much time as I can give to write, while still leaving me enough time to administer...stuff. If we have the same number of people as last year (which I don't expect, but it could happen), I'm going to need it, though some of the changes I'm hoping to implement will make my life a hell of a lot easier. I hope.

So this is what I'm thinking:

Signups: January 21 - February 3
Assignments sent out: by February 10
Stories due: April 7
Archive opens: April 15

That's eight weeks, which is about two more than it usually is, and I'm leery of that, but we'll see how it goes. If you know of any major ficathons that have a similar due date, let me know.

And the annual poll about my old nemesis, anonymity:

Poll all things go to recreate us

Obviously, none of this is particularly binding on any of us, but I do like to know. The voice of LJ is the voice of a dog, right?

Watch this space for more info as the end of the month approaches.


so how long until pitchers and catchers?


polls, remix admin

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