Name: She Wants Me
#24 IncompatibleGenre: Humour
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Evan Rosier
Rating: PG
Word Count: 217
Summary/Author's Note: Nearly 200 words more than that mini!fic I posted before this. Thank you
dramathique19 for picking a prompt for me to do! / Rod has decided Bellatrix hates him.
I'm freaking Rodolphus Lestrange! )
Comments 2
I KNEW it was going to be Rod/Bella.XD There are just some prompts that cannot be denied them.:P
I want my Nikolai!muse to wake up so I can have some fun times writing about him. My Atia!muse woke up! I was so thrilled! Once LJ is back up and running normally I'll post it (after seeing if it matches any prompts :P).
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