Losing my faith today

Jun 13, 2010 17:16

"C'mon ya guys! We're not gonna make it if ya guys continue ta walk slow," Deke complained as he turned around to wait for Allen, Kanda, and Bookman to hurry up.

Kanda scowled at Deke.

"Che. We're not all energetic rabbits like you. We'll be there in a moment," Kanda retorted.

Allen chuckled.

"Same old Ba-Kanda."

Deke snickered and listened to his two best friends bicker once more.The redhead turned away just in time to hear an explosion erupt from somewhere near them. Eye wide, Deke quickly headed towards the explosion; ignoring the protests from his friends and grandfather.

There was just something about this that drew Deke to the explosion. He was completely aware that he was acting impulsively and that this could be a trap. It was also going againt being a Watcher. Kanda and Allen should be the first ones to react to the explosion; not him. Gramps is so going to kill him for this. Deke quickly summoned his hammer just in time to extinguish the flames occuring in the town.

"Deke! What's-" Allen cut off when he was suddenly attacked by some strange monsters. He, Kanda, and Bookman quickly summoned their weapons to fight off the monsters while Deke continued to head towards the house. However, he stopped when he saw the familiar butterflies surround him.

"Hello, sweetheart~" a voice purred.

Quickly, Deke turned around to see Tyki. He glared at Tyki who merely smirked at the redhead.

"Let's dance."

For what felt like hours, Deke grunted as Tyki pinned him to the ground with a sly smile on his lips. The Watcher struggled against him, but Tyki kept a tight hold on his favorite toy.

"Would you like your eye back?" Tyki asked. Before Deke could even comprehend what Tyki just asked, the older man ripped his eye patch off and shoved something into the eye socket. Deke screamed aloud before quieting down once the pain subsided. Bloody tears ran down his cheek which Tyki leaned down to lick off.

Tyki smirked.

"Your blood tastes lovely as always, Pyrrhus~"

"Tyki! Get away from him!" Allen yelled as he and Kanda charged at Tyki, who merely vanished.

Bookman sat Deke up and began to bandage his right eye, but before he could completely finish, Deke pushed away from his grandfather.

"Deke! Stay sti-" Bookman began before cutting himself off when he saw that look in Deke's left eye. It blurred with unshed tears as the redhead got up. Allen was about to walk over to Deke, but Kanda held him back. The samurai knew that look all too well. They watched as Deke walked over to one of the houses and pushed the debris away to reveal a small hidden room. The three onlookers' eyes widened when they saw a basket with a baby inhabiting it.

Deke kept quiet as he slowly reached down to pick up the little one. He gently made sure parts of his cloak covered the child so that she doesn't get cold. Deke glanced over at the three from his shoulder and they were a bit disconcerted with the blank look in his eye.

"C'mon. We need ta get this little one a home before the storm sets."

"Right," Kanda and Bookman said. Allen just stared at his best friend as Deke began to walk away. Allen frowned.

'He's reverting back to his old self. Back to being a Watcher again,' Allen thought. However, he sighed and followed the redhead.

First things first, they had to find the baby a home.

user: recordsfire, *ooc; canon-update

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