004.5. Misc/Random

Feb 03, 2012 07:21

Recently, Twitter was trending #50thingsilove. Give us your list.

1. My boyfriend, Blaine
2. My dad, Burt
3. My stepmom, Carole
4. My stepbrother, Finn
5. All my friends
6. Marc Jacobs
7. Sound of Music
8. Lady Gaga
9. Croissants
10. Sex

11. eBay
12. Roses
13. Romance
14. Blaine's butt
15. My iPhone
16. Gay pride
17. Leather... on Blaine
18. Proactiv
19. Coffee
20. Weekend snuggle mornings
21. Privacy
22. Chenille sweaters
23. Blaine's smile
24. Sleepovers
25. Music
26. Romantic comedies
27. Hand sanitizer
28. Dates with Blaine
29. Karma
30. All things fashion
31. Glee Club
32. Slowdancing
33. Blaine's lips
34. Making out
35. New York
36. Little love texts
37. Charmin Ultra Soft
38. Crème brûlée
39. Blaine's eyes
40. Sharing ice cream sundaes
41. Spooning
42. Daily love post-its from Blaine slipped in my locker
43. Being in love
44. Doc Martins
45. Massages
46. Bubble baths
47. Daily skin routines
48. Weddings
49. Being myself
50. Blaine's dick Every inch of Blaine

justbeingaqueen ★ GLEE (canon)

[canon] glee (tv show), [prompt] misc/random

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