Your Muse: Lois Lane
Muse wanted: Clark Kent/Superman
sixwordstories, personal journals
Fandom: Superman
Canon: DC Comics, Superman movies, some Lois & Clark
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie/Other
PB: Tom or Brandon would be nice, otherwise I'm open to suggestion.
Contact via: Here or PM pup journal
More info this way. )
Comments 4
I saw in your profile you have her set just before Superman appears... what are your ideas as far as what happens for them?
Actually it's right after, but I can tweak that if necessary. I was envisioning a loose rp/timeline based on a fusion of Donner/comics/L&C, and the collision of these two extremely different personalities. Mainly, I just want a chance to play an adult, capable Lois, cause who doesn't love a mouthy, infuriating broad.
But, yes. I re-read the profile and saw that it was after. Which is what I get for doing 5 things at once, really. I think that could be fun. My biggest disappointment in the new movie was the Lois. She's no Teri Hatcher or Margot Kidder.
So if you're interested, I'd love to play the beginnings of their relationship out with you.
No, she wasn't. SVLois is actually closer to the others than SRLois.
Definitely interested. Even willing to start at the very beginning, if you'd like.
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