(no subject)

Mar 06, 2012 13:55

Your Muse: Jimmy Novak
Muse wanted: Jacob (Glaser) Novak, Castiel, Rufus Turner, Jo Harvelle, Balthazar, Meg, Ruby
Community: Usual places - sws, ssws, memebells, etc.
Fandom: Supernatural (with a smidge of Stonehenge Apocalypse 'cause of Jacob)
Canon: AU like whoa~
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV Show
PB: See below.
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect) PM + comment.

Probably a longshot, but I enjoy playing Jimmy on Insanejournal in the AU. Figured I might give it a try here. :)

All info can be seen here. But basically, Dean and Sam weren't tapped as vessels for the archangels - Jimmy and Jacob were. Because of the change a few things happened: Dean Winchester was Castiel's vessel, Balthazar secretly taking Sam Winchester as his vessel shortly after Castiel, Meg being the demon that influenced Jimmy to kill Lilith, and Ruby being the demon that the twins can't seem to shake. Oh, and Rufus is their parental figure.

[tv show]: supernatural, [movie]: stonehenge apocalypse

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